420,000 people worldwide die from contaminated food

puerto plata– Minister of Health Daniel Rivera stressed that it is crucial to ensure the safety of the basic foodstuffs that constitute the basic basket of the Dominican people.

Speaking at the 24th National Conference of Agricultural Sector Leaders organized by the Dominican Agricultural Business Council (JAD), he stressed that food security is a right enshrined in the Dominican Constitution and the state must ensure that this right is protected.

Article 61 of the Constitution of the Dominican Republic provides for the right of all persons to comprehensive health, which means improved nutrition, health services, sanitation and sanitation.

In order to comply with this fundamental right, the state must ensure the food and nutritional security of its people.

Law No. 589-16 on Food and Nutritional Security in the Dominican Republic is an important regulatory framework designed to coordinate actions to improve the quality of life of Dominicans.

The Act sets out the responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Health in food and nutrition surveillance and the promotion of healthy eating habits.

Rivera emphasized the importance of food consumption education, which is a joint responsibility of the Department of Public Health and the Department of Education. Promoting healthy eating habits and correct food preparation is essential to ensure the food and nutritional security of the population.

He emphasized the relevance of the Codex Alimentarius, a set of international standards that plays an important role in ensuring food safety and quality globally. These standards are recognized by General Health Law No. 42-01 and are the basis for international food trade.

Food safety is a major issue that directly affects people’s health.

Consumption of contaminated food can cause serious illness and have significant economic impact. Rivera said that globally, approximately 420,000 people died from ingesting contaminated food, resulting in 33 million disability-adjusted life years lost.

The minister detailed the major foodborne illnesses, which include Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria, Vibrio cholerae, viruses such as norovirus and hepatitis A, parasites such as flukes and Taenia solium, and chemicals and heavy metals.

To address these issues, the National Epidemiological Surveillance System (SINAVE) implemented mandatory notification measures for foodborne diseases in order to more effectively monitor and respond to outbreaks more quickly.

He noted that climate change could increase contamination of staple foods such as rice, posing additional risks to populations at risk of malnutrition.

Increased temperatures promote the survival and proliferation of foodborne pathogens.

He talked about the eating habits of the Dominican people and emphasized the importance of a varied and balanced diet. Additionally, data from a nutrition study conducted on school beneficiaries of the Dominican Republic’s School Meal Program (PAE) during the 2021-2022 school year are presented. This research shows that a large proportion of pupils eat unhealthy diets and childhood obesity remains a major health problem.

The official concluded his speech by emphasizing the importance of everyone working together to ensure food safety and promote healthy living habits. He also emphasized the importance of food labels in informing consumers of product contents and expiration dates, which can help make healthier choices and prevent foodborne illness.

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