44 children in Calafell are affected by the epidemic because the food supplied by the kindergarten has spoiled

The city council opened a case against the catering company, and as of Friday there was another

Catalonia’s Health Protection Agency concluded that the mild outbreak among 44 children in Calafell was caused by spoiled food supplied to four municipal kindergartens. The incident occurred on November 2 when a group of children under one year old developed a rash on their lips and facial areas near their mouths hours after eating. The study determined that traces of organic compounds that can cause allergic reactions were found in food samples analyzed that day. Calafell City Council has opened a case with Ágora Catering, the company that provides the service, and as of this Friday the food has been supplied by another company.

As the committee explained, the report concluded that the organic compounds found were biogenic amines and that the levels found in the first dish (vegetable cream) and the second dish (chicken breast) were very Low. Food was supplied to four municipal kindergartens, but only the youngest children were affected. Although there are only 44 confirmed cases, as many as 60 minors have visited the medical center. According to city government sources, the remaining 16 people may have gastroenteritis unrelated to the food. All medical conditions were minor and did not require hospitalization.

The committee explained that so far they are very satisfied with the services provided by Ágora Catering, which won the public tender. As a result of this incident, we have opened a document that will determine whether to impose financial penalties or terminate the contract. For now, to ensure families’ peace of mind, catering will be provided by another professional company starting this Friday. The city council also stressed that the families had been kept informed of the issue and its evolution during this period.

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