4,500 members treated in primary care clinics – Diario de Centro America

Photo: Courtesy of PNC

he Ministry of Interior (mingob)pass National Civil Police (national committee)A security action plan was implemented to ensure the protection of citizens visiting cemeteries during All Saints’ Day on October 31 and All Saints’ Day on November 1.

The Interior Ministry reported that more than 43,000 People’s National Police troops will be deployed across the country. It is clarified that on the first dates there will be walking tours and motorized patrols near discos, restaurants and nightclubs.

A press release details that “these measures are intended to prevent any incidents that endanger the lives, integrity and property of those participating in these celebrations.”

110 and 1561 are the telephone numbers for reporting crimes.

In addition, compliance with the ban on the sale of alcohol and fermented beverages from 1:00 to 6:00 a.m. will be verified to prevent drunken people from causing fights or riots and disturbing public order.

Police forces will establish surveillance rings at public and private cemeteries across the country to ensure protection for the thousands of compatriots who will arrive at cemeteries on November 1 and 2 to pay their respects to the deceased.

The authority’s presence around ATMs, banking institutions, markets, financial plazas and shopping malls will also increase. Police appeal to citizens to report any illegal activity through the PNC’s 110 phone line and Crime Stoppers’ 1561 phone line.

Luis CarrilloLuis Carrillo

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