5 Best Tips to Scare Cockroaches Without Pesticides

Author: TodoJujuy.com Editorial Staff

sometimes it turns out Astonishing like a small insect cockroach can produce so many Some people’s fears. If not fear, then disgust; its mere presence can inspire a variety of emotions in individuals.However, it is possible push them away without resorting to pesticides

Blatodeos, including cockroaches, are one of the The world’s most widespread insect family.These insects have actually become plaguebecause they are masters Hiding in hard-to-reach places and capable Play quickly.

Judging from their unique characteristics, they show clear preferences Dark and damp conditions as a place of residence, especially if they are located in Dirty conditions. Additionally, they use antennas to position themselves where they live because their Visual abilities are quite limited.

Sure Do you have cockroaches in your home?the initial checkpoint is located in the following area: Behind or under refrigerators and washing machines. In addition, stoves and household items often serve as refuges for these insects.

Therefore, many people explore Ways to keep these insects out to their residence. Fortunately, there are some natural solutions you can use to repel these pests.

The dangers of having cockroaches in your home

It’s not just a matter of fear or fear Obsession with cleanliness. In fact, cockroaches are indeed related to the health of the residents in your home. Here are the highlights:

  • they spread diseases: Indeed, they are celebrities microbial vector, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, insect eggs and fungi. They can cause health problems such as gastroenteritis, salmonella, leptospirosis, angerfood poisoning and typhoid fever.
  • YoThey are easily infected by food, because they transport Bacteria on your limbs; This aspect is relevant because they often forage for food scraps in the kitchen.
  • Their Waste can cause allergic reactions, Symptoms include hives, sneezing, and watery eyes.

How to get rid of cockroaches without using pesticides?

Although we have a variety of commercial products to combat infections at home, it is possible Explore natural alternativeswhich we will introduce in detail below.

1. Bay leaf

The leaves of this tree are native to Europe and are known for their unique fragrance, Effective deterrent against cockroaches Due to its unpleasant smell. Simply crush or cut the leaves and distribute them over areas frequented by these insects at night.

naturally, keep Health regulations must be strictly followed in these areas, Because this will ensure the effective functioning of the program, as will all the strategies we will mention below.

2. Baking Soda and Sugar

If cockroaches invade, baking soda becomes A reliable ally. simple mix One cup of baking soda and another cup of sugarSpraying around your home can be effective Get rid of these insects.

The underlying mechanism is simple: cockroaches They are attracted to sugar as a food source, But when a mixture of sugar and baking soda is ingested, they can react causing mortal for them.

3. Lemongrass

A highly effective vegetable that not only repels cockroaches, There are also mosquitoes and other bugs. The application is simple, just follow the detailed instructions below:

  • Make small balls cotton soaked in oil Each contains citronella oil.
  • Distribute balls in prone areas The presence of cockroaches.

Another method is to mix half a cup of water with 5 drops of cypress essential oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil and apply the mixture to areas where cockroaches are most common.

4. Borax

Like many other home remedies, borax has proven to be an effective tool Prevent cockroach invasion, Best of all, it’s an economical choice.

how? Simply spread it to areas where these insects transit. Once exposed to it, they will dehydrate and die.

5. Diatomaceous earth

The following procedure for getting rid of cockroaches without the use of pesticides is based on the use of diatomaceous earth.This is a Powerful organic elements This will also help eliminate other household pests.

In short, this is the effect Similar to Borax: Dehydrates insects. Plus, it’s safe to use around food.

Its use is simple: just spread it on the ground. A practical method is to fill socks with diatomaceous earth. Spread it on the desired surfaceleaving a faint trace of this white substance, will be completely effective.

Cleanliness is critical In the fight against cockroaches.keep one proper home hygiene Preventing cockroaches from getting in is crucial.

Cleaning the kitchen is especially important.this is crucial Avoid leaving a crumb trail And store sugar, flour, cereals, cheese and other products correctly.

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