5 Foods Nutrition Experts Don’t Buy in the Supermarket

While for some people, organizing the pantry is often one of the basic tasks of everyday life, For many others, it may be a ritual, either involves time of rWalk aisle by aisle, or simply make a list to gather everything you need At least 15 days.

Although most people go to the supermarket stock your pantrythe fact is Not all foods sold there are good for your health, especially those with are fresh produce, but in these types of stores they are sold in packages.

According to a report by the agency huffington postthese are Five foods that nutrition experts don’t recommend buying at the supermarket.

5 Foods to Avoid in the Supermarket

Instant food

those foods Prepared directly in the supermarket and sold in the ready meals section is easily filled with pathogens because it is It’s hard to keep them at the ideal temperature.

In fact, the USDA classifies them as a “hazardous area.” Because bacteria are more likely to grow, especially if they still exist Leave in the container for two more hours.

cut fruit

As Darin Detwiler, chair of the Food Safety Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health, has pointed out many times, The hygiene measures workers use when handling the fruit are often incorrect.

“This is where we found the problem pollution, cross-contamination and longer food storage time no longer safe and pathogens grow even before we bought them”Detwiler said.Also, it’s hard to know its status, i.e. If they ferment or rot inside the package.

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bagged lettuce

bagged lettuce is A lack of “transparency and traceability” in stores has led to several outbreaks of E. coli and Listeria, So the best thing to do is Buy fresh lettuce and sanitize it at home.

“because, after all these events We still open a bag of leafy greens”prewashed‘ Is it ready to eat after mixing? Detwiler questioned, adding Food safety is more important than convenience.


While buying pre-cut fruit is generally not recommended, Melon is one of the most dangerous melons Given “Their exteriors cannot be cleaned sufficiently to kill pathogens,” although “The internal pH favors the rapid growth of pathogens”. In 2011, cantaloupe was responsible for a nationwide listeria outbreak Killed at least 33 people and sickened 147

Counter Products (Deli)

Experts do not recommend buying Meat or chicken on the counter, commonly known as Deli.

“Staff are often poorly informed about food safety, They do not follow a “first in first out” policy They don’t know where the product comes from don’t know how long it’s been aroundDetwiler said.

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