5 months after LeBron James reality show, Naomi Osaka brand’s riveting narrative of legend’s story earns lofty honors

Since retiring from tennis, Osaka’s career aspirations have not slowed down. As she prepared for her comeback, she worked on other career commitments during her pregnancy. Being a hardworking person, she goes to great lengths to complete her wish list. Last year she became a children’s book author and launched her own production company, creating connections between the sports and entertainment worlds. Now, she’s reaping the rewards.

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Months after forming a partnership and raising investment from LeBron James’ investment firm, Osaka’s own media production company has an exciting update. Recently, Kenka Kuma’s first documentary short Mink! grabbed everyone’s attention, making it one of the biggest nominations in the film industry.

Naomi Osaka-backed production company shares exciting Emmy news


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‘mink! ‘ is a short film produced by the four-time Grand Slam champion entertainment company Hana Kuma. The company also has a partnership with another company, SpringHill, which was co-founded by basketball legend LeBron James himself. Now, nearly a year after the release of the documentary based on the life of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the production company has shared an exciting update on the nominations.

Last July, the 25-year-old Japanese tennis player, who became the first woman of color elected to the U.S. Congress, released her first Japanese-American-themed project. Along with sharing a short clip from the documentary, Hana Kuma’s official Instagram account also shared exciting updates for all viewers. The title reads, “Learn about the extraordinary journey of Patsy Mink and how she changed the world of sports through the creation of Title IX. Our short film was recently nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Documentary.”

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However, the results of this nomination have not yet been announced. But an Emmy nomination for the first movie she made was big news in itself. Since the new mom has been very vocal about her production company, she’s also received a lot of support from her basketball icon, which has actually helped the company’s massive growth over the past year.


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LeBron James’ investment plays big role in Osaka production studio

The media company raised about $5 million from James’ SpringHill Co about five months ago. With this huge backing, the Japanese tennis player’s production company is now successful enough to operate independently and in the entertainment industry.

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In addition to this, the 38-year-old basketball legend’s company also plans to start other companies with more athletes to expand business and gain experience for his own company and other companies such as Kengo Kuma.


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