5 things doctors recommend you do during the first 24 hours of a cold or flu

Colds, catarrh and other respiratory illnesses are on the rise in Spain. In recent weeks, few have escaped a serious blow. If you’re lucky enough to have avoided this bad experience, you no doubt know a friend or family member who has suffered the consequences of this wave.

There are few feelings more uncomfortable than a scratchy throat, a runny nose, or the tiredness that signals impending illness.Among the first symptoms of the flu or cold we can find Fatigue, body aches and chills, cough, sore throat, fever, gastrointestinal problems, or headache.

In this sense, for American doctor Amy Cottrell, the first 24 hours are crucial to treat the disease and prevent its excessive duration.Therefore, Cottrell recommends Five Tips for Early Cold and Flu Treatment.

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1. Don’t try too hard

When you start to feel uncomfortable, Avoid excessive physical or mental activity. Doctors say now is not the best time to run a few kilometers or work through the night on an important project. Instead, it’s an opportunity to rest, recover, and refuel your body.

He adds that pushing your limits now could deplete your body of critical energy for improvement, potentially prolonging the time it takes to fully recover.

2. Medications can help

To relieve the first symptoms of fever, headache, body aches, or nasal congestion, Some over-the-counter medications may help. For example, in Spain we have medicines such as Frenadol, Resfristop or Pharmagrip. However, he warns that it’s crucial to follow instructions carefully, as taking too little may not be effective and taking too much may be dangerous.

Additionally, Cottrell remembers that doses for children vary by age and weight, and that aspirin should not be taken by anyone under 18 because it can cause a serious condition called Reye’s syndrome.

Regardless, if symptoms persist after 24 hours, it is recommended to see a doctor. This way we can obtain an accurate diagnosis and receive specific treatment tailored to each person’s specific needs.

3. Avoid cold and humid environments

Although it’s a myth that people can get sick if they don’t dress appropriately in cold weather, the reality is that bacteria thrive in cooler temperatures.Therefore, if you have a cold or flu, it is recommended stay warm and dry to prevent symptoms from worsening.

4. Prioritize rest

Cottrell said that within the first 24 hours it was crucial sleep as much as possible Give your body a chance to recover. For your part, resisting the temptation to watch your favorite series or stay up late checking email can help you recover.

5. Drink enough water

According to San Francisco doctors, staying well hydrated is Essential for supporting your immune system When fighting a cold or flu. In this sense, the ideal drinks to avoid fever-induced dehydration are water, decaffeinated tea and sugar-free sports drinks. Additionally, he adds, hot tea with lemon and honey can relieve nasal congestion, sore throats and coughs.

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