7 health benefits of eating oregano

Oregano is not only a popular condiment in cooking, but it also offers a variety of uses benefit Contributes to health due to its nutritional content and bioactive compounds. If you didn’t know that this aromatic plant is more than just a flavor addition, this detailed list from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) will blow your mind.

  • anti-inflammatory properties

he oregano Contains beta-caryophylline, a compound that relieves inflammation and effectively fights conditions like osteoporosis. This property makes it an ally in the fight against various chronic inflammatory diseases.

he oregano It promotes the elimination of gas in the digestive tract, can relieve stomach problems and improve digestion. It is especially useful for those who suffer from bloating, gas, or digestive discomfort.

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Rich in compounds such as thymol and carvacrol, oregano Strengthens the body’s defenses and fights free radicals that cause cellular aging. This makes it an excellent ally in maintaining the health of your skin and other organs.

other benefit Oregano helps fight fluid retention and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. This may be beneficial for people who suffer from edema or want to cleanse their body.

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The plant is also effective against bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli, which are often linked to food poisoning.This makes oregano An important component of food safety and infection prevention.

  • Expectorant properties

he oregano Because of its active compounds, it can help reduce coughs and relieve respiratory problems. This makes it useful in treating conditions such as the common cold, bronchitis, and asthma.

he oregano It is used in home remedies to heal wounds, treat sores, hives, and acne. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it effective in caring for the skin.

A practical way to utilize benefit Oregano is obtained by infusion. It is recommended to drink two cups a day, one cup on an empty stomach and one cup at night. This practice is effective in treating respiratory and digestive problems, as well as improving circulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Prepare for infusion oreganoSimply add two tablespoons of oregano to a cup of boiling water, let sit for four minutes and strain before serving.

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