7 health benefits of thyme you didn’t know about

he ThymeA plant widely used in cooking, it is known not only for its unique flavor and aroma, but also for its impressive health benefits that may surprise you. Although it often takes pride of place in many kitchen pantries, its medicinal properties are often overlooked. This plant contains numerous beneficial nutrients and compounds that can have a positive impact on your overall health.

One of the highlights of thyme is easing digestive issues. Traditionally, it has been used to treat indigestion, calm gastrointestinal spasms, and combat gastritis.besides benefitprevents the formation of gas and bloating, making it a valuable ally in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Also read: For coughs and pain, these are the benefits of thyme

he Thyme It has also been shown to be an effective liver protectant, stimulating bile production and protecting liver function. This makes it a good natural cleanser and detoxifier, helping to keep the liver in optimal condition. If you suffer from menstrual tension or muscle pain, thyme can be your ally. Consuming it in the form of an infusion, tincture, or liquid extract can relieve these annoying symptoms.

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other benefit Related is its ability to fight urinary tract infections. Thyme infusion can increase the excretion of urine, promote the elimination of toxins from the body, and help prevent and treat urinary tract infections. Thyme is not only known for its inherent benefits, but it’s also great at relieving sore throats. It can help relieve irritating coughs, reduce hoarseness, and relieve respiratory congestion. Gargling with a thyme decoction of lemon and honey or thyme steam is an effective way to relieve symptoms.

In addition to these advantages, some studies have shown Thyme Thanks to its antioxidants and phytochemical compounds, it can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Finally, thyme has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ally in fighting infections and reducing inflammation in the body, thereby strengthening the immune system.

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