7 things you should never do in a public bathroom

Going to a public bathroom is not a pleasant experience at all. Learn what to avoid to keep you safe and healthy.

7 things you should never do in a public bathroom

latest update: September 22, 2023

there are many moments Going to a public bathhouse is the only option to answer the call of nature. Whether you are in a shopping mall, at an airport, in a warehouse or somewhere else far from home, you are forced to use this type of toilet.

Of course it’s an unpleasant experience as there are always a lot of people passing by and it’s usually not a hygienic place even if it looks clean. Therefore, it is important to take some precautions and avoid certain behaviors that increase the risk of infection.

Things you should never do in a public bathroom

The thought of using a public bathroom often triggers some kind of “germaphobia” in people, and the fear of possible infection becomes so high that Many resorted to desperate measures, such as using their elbows to open stall doors Or cover the seats with a pile of toilet paper.

However, although these sites do contain microorganisms such as streptococci, staphylococci, bacteria E. colihepatitis A virus, common cold virus, etc.; concerns about possible contagion are often exaggerated.

As Judy Daly, a professor of pathology at the University of Utah, explains, most bacteria die quickly and do not pose the threat that many consider them to be. Even if you are exposed to certain viruses or bacteria, You have to have a lot of the virus to get sick.

Regardless, it is important to take certain precautions, especially implementing some hygiene measures. What things should you avoid? Below, we describe them in detail.

1. Don’t sit on the toilet

It is generally recommended to avoid direct contact with toilet bowls because infectious microorganisms can accumulate on toilet surfaces. despite this, The real risks surrounding this stock are yet to be discussed.

via diary New York TimesErica Donner, professor of environmental science at the University of South Australia, explained that standing on top of a toilet seat can pose a danger to others if aimed incorrectly, as accidental spills often occur on the toilet seat surface.

Apart from, Not having enough balance when squatting may make it difficult to empty your bladder.which often increases the risk of cystitis and the need to go to the bathroom again within a short period of time.

So should I sit on the toilet? it depends. Currently, the evidence suggests that contact with the toilet seat does not cause infection. Pathogens are unlikely to cause “breech-borne disease.”

However, you still have to consider the basics: how hygienic the bathroom looks. In order to make it possible, Must be cleaned with disinfectant wipes before use. However, if you don’t have any on hand, and the surface looks clean, you should be fine.

The decision of whether to sit on the toilet is quite personal. Research shows that the risk of infection from direct contact with this surface is very low. On the other hand, if the bladder is not emptying sufficiently or overflow occurs, relief through movements without sitting down may cause problems.

2. Place toilet paper on the seat

Considering that contact with bathroom surfaces rarely poses a real risk, placing a toilet paper strip on the seat is a useless action. In fact, in addition to wasting paper, you may be increasing your risk of infection.

reason? The material and texture of this paper are designed to absorb, This makes it easier for microorganisms to adhere and transfer to the skin. The situation is aggravated if the paper in the bathroom is not kept within a cover that protects it from external germs.

3. Consider other elements in the bathroom harmless

It is often overlooked that other elements in the bathroom are also sources of contamination. Doors, faucets, dryers and other surfaces are also sources of viruses and bacteria May cause illness.

Therefore, it is very important to wash your hands before and after entering these bathrooms. If there is no water coming out of the sensor, a good option is to secure the faucet with paper towels or plastic. Also, avoid putting your hands on the vents when using a hot dryer.

4. Use cell phone In the bathroom

Nowadays, use cell phone In many spaces; one of the most common places is the bathroom. Whether at home or in a public bathroom, there are multiple risks. These are often easily contaminated with infection-causing viruses and bacteria, Leave them on bathroom surfaces or handle them with dirty hands.

On the other hand, sitting in the bathroom looking at your phone for long periods of time can increase your risk of hemorrhoids, experts warn.

5. Pull the chain by hand

You are more susceptible to infection when your hands come into contact with various bathroom surfaces. Therefore, do not flush the toilet with your hands; It’s best to do this with shoes.

Also, before doing this, try lowering the lid (you can also use a shoe or paper). This is to prevent the force of the water from ejecting trace amounts of material out of the toilet.

6. Leave your stuff on the bathroom floor

Even if your bathroom floor looks clean at first glance, try to avoid placing bags or other items on it. Bacteria and dirt particles stick to its surface and are then transferred to your hands.

Find the hook and hang it better. if possible, Have someone help you when you enter the bathroom.

7. Use exposed toilet paper

As we mentioned, toilet paper is an easily contaminated element due to its absorbent properties. If it is not protected by a cover, or if it is not delivered to you in a bag or box, avoid using it.

When the roll is placed on a surface in the bathroom, or in the dispenser but uncovered, It’s probably not as clean as it looks. To avoid this inconvenience, try to carry your own paper or wipes in your bag.

Washing your hands: The most important habit to protect yourself from the risks of using public bathrooms

As long as your immune system is healthy, the risk of contracting an illness from using a public bathroom is minimal. However, although the body’s defense is good, Hand washing is an essential addition.

Sometimes, in the rush to leave these bathrooms, many people neglect to wash their hands. mistake! You are more likely to get infected by touching your hands in these spaces than by sitting on the toilet..

Well, the right thing to do is to take a few seconds to do this. A quick wash under running water and without soap is not worth it. Try washing for 20 or 30 seconds, Also rub the areas on your wrists, between your fingers, and under your nails.

If your bathroom doesn’t have a sensor, remember to use paper towels to dispose of faucets or soap dispensers.

You can also have sanitizing gel on hand just to be on the safe side. This way, if you don’t have space to wash your hands in the bathroom, or you don’t want to touch the faucets, you can quickly clean them until soap and water is available.

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