Farewell to Adele Rasicki, the teacher who loved running


Final farewell to Adele, ultramarathon runner and ‘special’ woman. Mother with her husband and son to deliver the sad news of the passing of Adele Rasicki, aged 68, in Scaramelli (photo). The funeral will take place today at 2.45 p.m., starting at the mortuary in Via Fossato di Mortara for the Certosa di Ferrara, where Holy Mass will be celebrated at 3 p.m. Adele Rasicki, a retired professor living in Ferrara, was well known in the world of long distance running. She was registered for Athletica Estense (2011–2013) and then Athletica Bondeno (2015–23), “a special person”, as defined by her sports club’s president, Daniele Gundalini. To date, his rich sports career includes 151 ultramarathons, totaling more than 12,000 kilometers. His first date was on 25 April 2003 at the age of 48 with the 50 km of Romagna. The first 100 km on the road on 26 June 2007 with Pastore’s 100 km. In twenty years of long distance activity, Adele alternates between road and trail work. The 2017 and 2019 vintages are significant with 17 and 16 ultra races respectively. Adele also ventures abroad on 9–13 July 2012, participating in the Al Andalus Ultra Trail of 230 km in 5 stages in Spain. On 15 September 2019 in Lupatottissima she became the FIDAL SF65 Italian champion in the 24 hours race with 127.611 km. In March 2022, at the age of 67, she participates in the 6 days UMF winter edition, where she is the third woman and the first woman to cover the distance of 471.521 km. Participating in these six days was announced by Adele as a celebration of Professor Este’s retirement. In the 48-hour IUTA Italian Championship in Policoro in September 2022, Adele is the second woman and the first in the category. This year Adele competed in three ultra races Ronda Ghibellina, UMF Winter Edition 48h and Cinisello Balsamo Running Festival 12h.

Mario Tosati

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