How many times will China wear mourning clothes in this current legislature?

he On April 6 this year, the Congress of the Republic was dressed in mourning Hugo Ottoniel Rodríguez Chinchilla, 47, died of complications from pneumonia.

Rodríguez Chinchilla belongs to the political group Compromiso, Renovación y Orden (CREO) and is seeking re-election in the June 25 elections.

Representatives elected in the 2019 electoral process for the period 2020-2024 Last March, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal authorized him to seek re-election. After his death, his seat was taken by Yesmín María Poroj.

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With Rodriguez’s death, the current legislature registered four deaths. Three years ago, the bench lost yet another member. This is Adela Camacho de Torrebiarte, who died on December 16, 2020, at the age of 71.

Torrebiat served as interior minister, a 2011 presidential candidate, and was responsible for police reform, among other duties.

Died of Covid-19

On March 13, 2020, Guatemala saw its first case of the novel coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, which has claimed the lives of thousands of Guatemalans. Among them were representatives Gabriel Heredia and Felipe Cal Lem, both from the Hope National Unity Party (UNE).

On October 29, 2020, the organization confirmed the death of Heredia at the age of 64. Originally from Chiquimura Concepcion Las Minas. The politician contracted the disease and died of complications.

Seven months later, on May 22, 2021, Caal died at the age of 60, originally from San Cristobal Verapaz, Upper Verapaz.

Carl contracted the disease, and although he received care, he died of complications a few days later.According to information from the Legislature, Carr began working on congress of the republic As an assistant on 15 October 2006, he won a seat and “frozen his position” during the 2007 election process. He served three consecutive terms.

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