Hepatitis A vaccine added to the program

In the framework of the International Day to Fight Hepatitis, an important implementation by the Peruvian health authorities was highlighted, as the country took an important step in protecting the health of its citizens by including the hepatitis A vaccine in its regular vaccination programme. The measure announced by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) will guarantee free vaccinations for children under 15 months.

One dose of the vaccine is enough to protect children from hepatitis A, according to the Ministry of Health. As of May last year, some 134,000 doses of the vaccine had been distributed across all health facilities in the country.

Hepatitis A is an infectious disease that is spread through consumption of contaminated food or water, direct contact with an infected person, or consumption of products under unsanitary conditions. Risk of infection is associated with lack of drinking water and poor sanitation.

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Although this type of hepatitis is usually not fatal, it can adversely affect the normal function of the liver, especially in children. To this end, the Ministry of Health has taken measures to ensure that minors are protected from an early age.

Minsa: Hepatitis A vaccine is safe

The Ministry of Health ensures that all vaccines it provides are safe, effective and of high quality. In addition, he emphasized that Peru has one of the best vaccination programs in the region and has the financial mechanisms needed to purchase vaccines through the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Vaccine Purchase Revolving Fund.

So far, the routine vaccination program includes 18 vaccines against 28 diseases, including the hepatitis B vaccine, the pentavalent vaccine (which protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, pneumonia and meningitis) and the polio vaccine.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of completing a regular vaccination program, even if children are past the recommended age for a particular vaccine. If a child over 4 years old has not received the appropriate vaccines, it is recommended to take him to the nearest medical facility to complete his schedule.

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In addition to the hepatitis A vaccine, Peru also offers the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for children aged 9-13, yellow fever vaccine for adults (international travelers only), hepatitis B and influenza vaccine. Adults 60 and older get the flu and pneumonia vaccine.

By including the hepatitis A vaccine in its routine vaccination schedule, Peru has demonstrated its commitment to the health of its people and its willingness to prevent infectious diseases. This measure will help reduce the incidence of this type of hepatitis in the country and protect children from its harmful effects in the future.

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