Slight increase in COVID-19 and flu cases

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Claudia Espeche, head of epidemiology at the Catamarca Department of Health, said there had been a slight, though not yet significant, increase in cases of COVID-19 and influenza in Catamarca in recent days. , but monitoring continues.

“We have an increase in cases, but it is very subtle,” the professional told Radio Valle Viejo, though she assured that not everyone is being swabbed as before. Likewise, he explained that in the previous week’s epidemiology, with 19 cases, “in general, the cases being identified are mostly those that required some degree of hospitalization,” adding that the same is also true. Occurs with flu cases in some patients. People who need hospital treatment.

“These two viruses are spreading at a moderate level that doesn’t complicate or alarm us, but precautions do need to be taken,” Espage said.

Likewise, he said that for patients who need to be hospitalized and do not have an up-to-date vaccination program, they do experience “more complications.”

He pointed out that due to the new crown epidemic, it is recommended that the general public undergo an annual booster; those over the age of 50 with risk factors should get a booster every six months. On the other hand, flu vaccine stocks for high-risk groups over the age of 75, pregnant women, strategic personnel, and children under 2 years of age were also pointed out.

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