Preventing and Accompanying Early Childhood Growth :: Provincial Perspective :: Santa Fe News

Pediatrician Karina Astarloa joined the health team in Chahari about a year ago and discussed with Mirador Entre Ríos the weeks of intense heat oscillations. The professional visits the city’s three health centers once a week and sees 30 to 35 patients a day.

Respiratory symptoms are most pronounced at this time of winter: “There is some diarrhoea, but most often respiratory symptoms. There are also viral symptoms affecting the stomach, but most often respiratory symptoms, minimally bronchiolitis, bronchospasm , allergies, bronchitis and even pneumonia,” says the pediatrician.

In addition, he emphasized that when they are in school, in the community, they are more contagious. “This is often the case in pandemics, and through tighter restrictions, the respiratory symptoms have been significantly reduced, because despite the dominance of the new coronavirus, it has to do with us learning to take care of ourselves and not have too much contact, not to share partners, Otherwise do not go out it is necessary, now we forget a little bit of this care, because this care is useful for many diseases. Now where there are many people, there is more transmission of other diseases”. Therefore, Astaloa recommends continuing the care measures we have taken during the pandemic, “such as using alcohol gels, ventilating the room, and not going out if you have symptoms.”

As for schools, he warned that even if boys had runny noses or coughs, parents would send them to the same place, and because of the cold, they were in a more closed environment, which would lead to more infections.


In general, Chahari’s children have a complete vaccination schedule and “either missed a time or two or were late, but they had no choice but to not get vaccinated,” he said. In this sense, he recognizes that there is resistance to the new crown vaccine, “Parents are skeptical, which has not been successful at all in pediatrics, and it is also true in adults,” he compares.

When asked what happens to boys who refuse to wear shoes even in cold temperatures, he explained, “Viruses don’t get in through the feet, but because we breathe them in through the nose.” In this sense, he explained Say, in the nose “we have little hairs that have the function of keeping germs out, but in winter they are more immobile, which makes us more prone to illness.” There are other factors besides this, such as age. “When the kids are young, they can get sick three or four times a winter because they’re developing resistance to certain germs.” In addition, he said he gains some immunity when he catches an illness , “This is the same as the passive effect of the vaccine,” he explained.


The pediatrician clarifies that parents often take their children to the clinic to check for mucus, “but generally speaking, children will have mucus in almost all seasons.” She added, “If the fever persists for several days, you must be vigilant and consult a doctor.” When they When they don’t want to eat or drink, when they’re sad, especially when they’re young, under two years old.”

Regarding necessary care, he emphasized that “do not take children under two years of age, and if not necessary, do not take them to supermarkets, bank queues or very crowded places.” Sick kids go to school and the importance of washing hands. ’ Likewise, he advises, “If you have children with allergies in your home, keep animals out of the house, don’t stir up dust or dirt in the house, and wipe with a damp cloth is recommended.” “The professional concluded.

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