“Hepatitis B is an immune-preventable disease”

July 28 commemoration World Viral Hepatitis Day Within this framework, they will conduct a rapid hepatitis B test and vaccination in the Plaza de Julio in Posadas from 8 am to 12 noon.

talk to the show missionary air This is by FM 89.3 Our Lady of Misiones Fabian Zelaya, director of environmental health at the Department of Public Health of the province of Misiones, recalled, Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable disease.

Hepatitis B is a viral disease usually asymptomatic It is transmitted in a very similar way to HIV.namely sexually, such as sharing syringes and needles.

“Generally, acute hepatitis B causes symptoms when the symptomatic part of hepatitis occurs,” the professional explained, adding that it begins with putrefaction, malaise, indigestion and may also cause fever and diarrhea.

this hepatitis It causes fever and diarrhea. Characterized by yellowish skin and eyes. Urine turns dark brown and stool turns clay white.

People with these symptoms should go to a health center to have blood tests done by a professional.. “First the chemistry part of the liver map, we can see some changes in the liver enzymes and suspect any hepatitis, either the most common hepatitis A, B and C, and rule out the other hepatitis B and D they have accompanied .”

Rapid tests to find out if the person has hepatitis. They are similar to pregnancy blood tests in that one line is negative and two are positive, but the difference is that it is done in the blood instead of the urine.

Celaya says When a person tests positive immediately, all that is done is to bring them into the health system and ask for a more specific analysis and assess the possibility of treatment.

Hepatitis B is treated indefinitelyit can last three years, five years, six years, depending on the viral load it might have and the antigens it produces while being treated. Hepatitis C does have a cure(…) Drugs can cure over 96% of people(…) Hepatitis C is no longer a chronic infection but a curable and treatable cured within 12 weeks”.

The Director of Sanitation explained that hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis, chronic infection and even liver cancer, so testing and vaccination are crucial.

In terms of vaccinations, he recalled that since 2000, the hepatitis B vaccine for newborns has been included in the mandatory vaccination calendar, which is why “In 23 years, “we have not seen liver failure, acute infection, or fulminant hepatitis in people under 23. This speaks to the efficacy of the hepatitis B vaccine.”

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