Medicine Cellar | Mexican Herald

They have all failed the people and, more importantly, our President. He puts the UN in charge of distributing medicines and the UN is against him: children without cancer, HIV patients without antiretrovirals, measles cases, shortage of flu shots that even give you in the subway, mental illness due to lack There is no such thing either, no matter what they want and order. He clenched his soul in his fist and entrusted it to Insabi, but got nothing. The aspirin was gone without blood. Then, we know, neither does IMSS. And so, while causing pain and heartbreak for our people, for the disinherited, our leaders put unique minds, extraordinary brains back into action. Big problem, simple solution. What if we make a bodegota, or more: a bodegototota, and we put all the medicine in the world in it? Literally, right? worldwide. Prosperity! Welcome to Denmark. The shortage problem has been solved.

Dr. Patan was also imbued with Mexican humanism, and he brought joy to his patients, especially the poorest. I can see. Dona Chabellita is hospitalized. In addition to being happy for the patient, the doctor was full of compassion, sorry: fraternity from the classroom community level dialed in for her. “Health Drug Bank. This is Sergeant Bracamontes speaking. How can I help you?” Remdesivir?” “Of course, doctor. I will send it to you. The fact that it’s exclusive to the president’s children is a slur on neoliberalism. But allow me to make a suggestion. Have you read your New Mexico school textbooks? It is recommended to use the traditional way of infusion, just like the usual grandma. That’s celery, that’s rue…whatever. Appeal to the wisdom of our people, don’t turn fat broth into medicine”. “Good idea. do you have celery “Sure, I’ll send it to you. It’s seasonal. By the way, Doctor, I congratulate you on your collaboration in the Herald”. anyway. In Tuxtla Gutierrez, you can feel the gut blockage happening, fly over with a box of grape salt. Did you try to follow Culiacan’s presidential diet instead, and your stomach melted into lava? Omeprazole and Pepto are effective. Kabocha sinusitis? A military truck with Avamys was about to arrive at his house.

Therefore, Dr. Pathan wishes to use this democratic and popular platform to thank the President again. For this reason, as well as his courage and sense of country, he eventually entered a pressing topic: bagged aerated potato chips. No more onion sauce in the middle because Oxxo has closed. No more jicama and cucumber football games.the fourth to go

July Patan




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