The Art of Carpets Between Thousand Years of Tradition and Modern Design | Architectural Digest of Italy

In the central hall, ten cult carpets are exhibited on self-supporting structures.

Photo courtesy of Daniele De Carolis

homeland traditions,Afghanistan, represent a living and significant cultural heritage and have been the center of the business activities of the Amini family for more than half a century. But the company has gone much further, projecting ancient textile art into contemporary art by collaborating with superb craftsmen, design companies and creatives to breathe life into a rich collection.

From the ancient art of weaving to historical and modern design

In fact, Amini is a synthesis of a strong passion for historical and contemporary design and the protection of the best traditional manufacturing techniques. The collections are divided into different stylistic proposals, from the more important, based on the expressive qualities of the materials used, to the more decorative, resulting from the rethinking of traditional designs, to those developed in collaboration with contemporary designers. to others born from comparison with historical archives of contemporary design icons, including Gio Ponti, Gio Colombo, Manlio Rho, Ico Parisi.

Multicollection of Carlotta Fortuna.

Courtesy of Amini Carpets

Memorable route, reminiscent of the stages of the company

For this important celebration, the company decided to introduce guests to the new design curated by Elisa Ossino Studio – dedicated to its carpets and places of their production. The path that opened up Party room with a collection of carpets cyclops, designed by Elisa Ossino, designer and art director of Amini Carpets, is made from organic wool and high-quality natural dyes. A project that embodies a new way of perceiving carpets as elements capable of expressing freedom and imagination.

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