Blood collection performed in Tafí del Valle – Tucumán Department of Public Health

Gabriela Agudo, blood therapy and immunohematology technician on the blood bank’s external collection team, said the day was scheduled because three or four events are held each year, as recommended by the Ministry of Health’s guiding doctor Luis Medina Ruiz, It was developed in partnership with Tafi City Council.

In this sense, the professional emphasized that the blood bank is committed to providing the units needed before they come to the town to seek the cooperation of the community to donate blood: “For the residents of Tafi, when we have such an operation, We’re able to donate because we’re close to their homes and they don’t have to travel.”

Agudo said that the day’s activities were carried out in an orderly manner from 9 am to 1:30 pm, with a total of 31 donors participating, and announced that Tafi’s next donation will be made in December.

Blood is an essential element of life. Blood transfusions are given in certain situations, such as surgery, accidents, and certain medical treatments. Since blood cannot be manufactured or replaced with any other man-made substance, the only way to obtain blood is through donation.

Donation Basic Requirements

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 65.
  • weigh more than 50 kg.
  • In good health.
  • It is more convenient to have breakfast before donating.
  • bring your ID

Donation Obstacles

  • temporary: Pregnancy, childbirth, recent surgery, symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 10 days.
  • Tattoos and piercings done last year.
  • Occasional or risky sexual relationships in the past year.
  • ultimate: Suffering from heart, lung, kidney diseases, tuberculosis, anemia, hemophilia, active ulcers, cancer, coagulation disorders, etc.
  • History of hepatitis C or B, Chagas disease, stroke, etc.
  • become a drug addict
  • are carriers of the HIV virus.

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