Padilla Hospital hosts Rapid Test Day for World Viral Hepatitis Day

Dr. Dolores Murga, a specialist in the Division of Hepatology, Department of Gastroenterology, Padilla Hospital, spoke at the worldwide commemoration, where the public was called to the Central Hospital on Friday. test. Effector Hall 9 to 11 hours.

“The rapid test requires a simple prick of the finger and can give a positive or negative result for hepatitis D and C in 20 minutes. If positive, it indicates lifetime exposure to either “If you test positive for the virus, then later you have to do more research to see if the virus is actually present in the blood and then act accordingly. “The expert explained about the detection tasks performed during the day.

NOA’s Viral Hepatitis Unit also works in the hospital’s Hepatology Unit, with professionals available every day to members of the public who want to ask any questions or have any questions. If necessary, a complete laboratory analysis will be performed by drawing a blood sample.

“Today is a day of recognition, viral hepatitis is a public health problem worldwide and it doesn’t usually cause symptoms, so in some cases when we detect it, it’s because the infection has become a global A disease. Inside and outside the liver, they can have extrahepatic manifestations, that is, in other organs, so we have to deepen the test, because hepatitis is the cause of many other pathologies, and when it progresses over time, it can With cirrhosis, there are multiple complications, including primary liver cancer, such as liver cancer,” he warns. street band At the same time, he commented on all WHO activities and the work of specialized professionals aimed at avoiding these stages.

Along these lines, the allegation insists that one of the World Health Organization’s goals by 2030 is to progressively reduce new infections of hepatitis B and C by 90 percent and reduce the risk of death by 65 percent, while hepatitis B The risk of death differs between hepatitis and hepatitis C. Hepatitis B is transmitted in the same way as HIV, it is very easy to transmit, even a hundred times easier than HIV, so it can be transmitted through any form of sexual behavior – because it is in high concentrations in sexual fluids – through Blood, from mother to baby, that’s why pregnant women are checked for hepatitis in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, so that the child can be prevented accordingly.

Hepatitis C is mainly spread through blood, so special care must be taken not to share any items that may come into contact with blood, such as toothbrushes and razors, which must be used only for personal use. It can also be spread by people who use intravenous drugs and share injected materials, or even inhale drugs that erode mucous membranes, and contact may lead to virus transmission.

People who are often hospitalized are also high-risk groups, such as diabetic patients or patients with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and there is a correlation with the incidence of C virus, because although C virus tends to multiply in the environment, other than the liver, other organs This is also the case in the United States, and there are several diseases associated with it: “A global medical association recommends that all people over the age of 18 should be tested at least once in their life if they consider that they belong to certain groups that may be more susceptible to some of these viruses population and should therefore be tested regularly”.

The department is open every day, with outpatient consultations in the morning and afternoon, while the hospital’s gastroenterology department provides information, so that people are gradually less afraid of knowing their relationship with these viruses.

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