More than 1,300 patients from Salta were admitted to public hospitals in the capital during the weekend

The Ministry of Public Health provides information on assistance provided through the SAMEC duty service and Salta Capital Hospital. Over the weekend, the System of Medical Assistance in Emergencies and Disasters (SAMEC) 229 services were provided for various reasons.

Reasons to consult at SAMEC are:

  • 57 due to traffic accident
  • 8 Epilepsy patients
  • 2 Patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus
  • 10 For those who have trouble breathing
  • 9 Suicide Attempts
  • 42 Injury and Assault
  • 44 Domestic Violence
  • 1 knife wounded

The Señor del Milagro hospital reported that the guard cared for 219 people over the age of 15. Most medical claims are for gastroenteritis and pharyngitis cases.

At the Pontifical Francis Hospital, a total of 263 patients were treated: 255 patients for various emergencies, 5 accident patients, 2 patients with laboratory requirements and 1 patient referred from another care center.

26 patients were admitted to the Oñativia Hospital, mainly due to: decompensation due to diabetes, urinary tract infection, pulmonary disease and hypertensive crisis.

The Miguel Ragone Hospital reported that it treated 54 patients who required psychological or spiritual assistance, or both, depending on the circumstances.Involvement of social service professionals may also be necessary.These include two requests from security forces and court care orders.

From 08:00 Friday to 08:00 Monday, San Bernardo Hospital treated 807 patients. Of these, 191 were hospitalized and 616 were treated as outpatients. A total of 136 people were injured, 71 of them in traffic accidents:

  • 28 motorcyclists
  • 29 Passersby
  • 11 motorists
  • 3 cyclists

The ward received 49 patients referred from other health centres.

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