Rock: the worst statements of musicians against colleagues

by Capital Web

After talking about the many internal disputes to bands and music ‘families’, we focus on rock artists who have made negative statements, bordering on insulting, towards other colleagues, experienced perhaps as rivals or competitors and therefore treated with ostentatious contempt. For example George Harrisonwhich in the 70’s has given quite scathing judgments on many pop artists, up until the recent comments by body shaming Of Paul Weller against Robert Smith of the Careprobably due to ancient grudges…

George Harrison vs Elton John, Rod Stewart and David Bowie

During an interview of 1976 issued to India Today, George talked about the contemporary artists he liked at the time. Very few. Zero the pop ones, above all having bonded with his friend and teacher of him, Ravi Shankar. Elton John it didn’t impress him and neither did it Rod Stewart he had brains. As compared to David Bowie then, better fly over…

Elton John’s music is something I’ve never given much thought to. He sounds all the same, even though I think he wrote a good song once. His music is made according to a formula: add lyrics, add four chords, shake well and there it is, Elton John’s new super hit! Rod Stewart’s music has gotten better since Tom Dowd produced him, but he has a brain as small as a marble. And David Bowie should decide what gender he is, and then decide what kind of music he wants to play (G.Harrison)

Keith Richards vs Elton John and vice versa

Also Keith Richards he doesn’t shine for kindness, but perhaps he too touched the top in regards to Reginald Kenneth Dwight alias Elton John. “An old bitch… his writing is limited to songs about dead blondes.” However, Elton returned the courtesy by stating that: “It would be horrible to be like Keith Richards. He’s pathetic. He’s like a monkey with arthritis, trying to get on stage and look young. I have great respect for them Stonesbut it would have been better if they kicked Keith out 15 years ago.”

Elton John versus Madonna

Elton John’s tongue has also proved sharp in other cases, for example towards Miss Veronica Cicconewhich in 2012after the ceremony of Golden Globesshe chilled with this reflection: ‘If you lip-synch on stage when your tickets are £75, you deserve to be shot.’

Madonna versus Lady Gaga

The two divas at first seemed to get along, despite the strong character of both. Unfortunately at the release of the song ‘Born This Way’ Of Lady Gaga, Madonna she got annoyed because the song was too similar to hers ‘Express Yourself’. After a few skirmishes, however, calm returned between the two.

Nirvana vs Guns N’ Roses, Dave Grohl vs Courtney Love

Here is the great refusal of the Nirvana to the Guns N’ Roses, who wanted them as supporters for a series of concerts:

I don’t even think about wasting my time with that band, they are pathetic and blatantly talentless (Kurt Cobain)

We also know of the long dispute between Cobain’s widow Courtney Love And Dave Grohlabout rights related to the production of the band. Between ups and downs, insults and momentary reconciliations, the matter is now tough from almost 30 years.

Robert Smith versus Morrissey

Smith recently said that his note feud with Morrissey it was simply a “soap opera” whipped up by the press and fans. However, a theory that appears in stark contrast to his previous almost… programmatic statement: “If Morrissey says he doesn’t eat meat, then I will eat meat. That’s how much I hate Morrissey.”

Ozzy Osbourne versus Tony Iommi

Ozzy Osbourneentered and exited several times come on Black Sabbathhad a dispute with Tony Iommi, guitarist and leader of the band. When over 80s Osbourne left the group to start a solo career, criticized Iommi for replacing him with a singer he felt was not up to par; in response Iommi accused him of being just ungrateful towards his old formation.

Nick Cave versus the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Flea of the RHCP extension he admired endlessly Nick Cave. Well, one day his idol shot him cold:

I’m always next to a stereo I’m like, ‘What the fuck is this trash?’ And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers

However, there was a reconciliation, so much so that the tenacious Flea didn’t give up and invited him to play on their tour, in an experience that he later defined as “spiritual”… Without hard feelings, everything can be overcome!

Bob Dylan versus Led Zeppelin

Peter Grant once met Bob Dylan at a party a Los Angeles. She approached him cheerfully with outstretched hand and said, “Nice to meet you, I handle i Led Zeppelin“. Dylan’s answer was a saber: “Man, I don’t come to you with my problems”. Zot!

The Gallagher brothers… against the world

As for the brawlers Gallagher brothers we refer you directly to this article for “family affairs”, while we invite you to listen to a little selection of their endless insults to other colleagues directly from the voice of ours I mix:

Meanwhile, in Italy

There are also many examples of Italian singers who have behaved quite badly with other artists. Let’s start from Vasco Rossiwhich he squabbled with Ligabue many times. The dispute with League it started in 90’swhen the Blasco she accused him of copying her style, only to flare up again in the 2011 when, interviewed by Red Ronnie, Vasco said that for him Ligabue is “a glass of talent in a sea of ​​presumption”. Whoever does it waits for it, like this Piero Pelu one fine day he accused Vasco of being a commercial artist and of having no respect for real music, the same opinion that recently the singer of the Litfiba reserved for Young people, only to apologize publicly. A little swell even between Sugar and the aforementioned Ligabue. Dulcis in fundo: the ladies! And here are two great ladies of Italian music involved, like Patty Pravo And mine. There Piper girl she tried several times to tease her “rival” to get her out of her decades-old shell:

You put yourself on one side for years and at least make wonderful records: instead of making as many as he did, make five that, however, at least remain in history (P. Pravo)

There cremona tiger in response he continues to sing, but prefers not to roar…

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