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Supreme Court Trial Chamber Strongly Calls Attention to Álvaro José Lyons, Attorney of Former Córdoba Governor Alejandro Lyonsbecause the persistent disability he exhibited prevented the progress of the so-called “hemophilia cartel” trial against the latter.

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This is the criminal case against former Córdoba governor Edwin Besele, and the charging phase has not been completed in the absence of Lyon’s imprisoned lawyer in the United States, which means The procedures themselves are expensive and take months before a date is specified to continue the process.

This time, after bringing up new medical disabilities of former Gov. Lyons’ attorney, the trial chamber ordered an investigation to determine whether he was in fact suffering from the alleged vomiting and gastroenteritis.

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Specifically, requiring the physician who incapacitated him to submit a report to the court explaining why”With regard to the diagnosis given, the scientific or medical reasons for the awarding of the disability”. Legal medicine must be assessed to the lawyer Álvaro José Lyons Villalaba Analyze your medical history to see if you are sick and if you are causing a disability.

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The Chamber is very concerned given the simultaneous ailments in the Chamber as the hearing on the charges is about to resume: Court

“As can be seen, this is the third time counsel Álvaro José Lyons has requested a postponement of the prosecution hearing on the grounds of health problems, which means that the Chamber’s Highly concerned. When will the hearing for the charges be resumed,” the court said.

In a statement by Judge Jorge Emilio Caldas, the Chamber stated that “while the principle of good faith must prevail in all actions, it did not cease to give S .”Responding to various deferral requests from linebacker Leon Mucus, despite the convenience of a virtual hearing, it has prevented him from being connected remotely or even naming a backup linebacker to overcome the possibility of his fitnessd”.

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Delays in this case

Defense attorneys for the former governor first brought up disability on Nov. 27, 2020, when he was unable to attend a Nov. 30 hearing due to alleged bronchitis.

On August 2, 2021, Attorney Álvaro Lyons reported that his client was imprisoned in the United States, but did not specify where or by what institution and for what reason reason he had to orderClarification of the situation to the judicial police, which means writing a letter of request which must be translated into English with the support of an appointed and appointed official translator for the Office of International AffairsJustice Department staff managed to get in touch with the former governor’s virtual contact with North American authorities.

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On November 4, 2021 (four days before the hearing), the attorney stated that he did not know if the former governor knew about the indictment because he had not been contacted. The court denied the delay, but on November 8, the former regional president convicted of the toga cartel was not online.

The new date for the hearing was set for November 2, 2022, but just the day before, lawyer Álvaro José Lyons Villalba again requested to postpone the hearing because his Health problems prevented him from working for five consecutive days from October 31 to November 2 of that year. , derived from the pain caused by

Inguinal hernia.

On February 22, 2023, a charging hearing was held, but Lyons asked for all charges to be dropped.tuated, which forced the suspension of the hearing scheduled for August 8. The meeting had to be postponed due to the absence of the attorney proposing the new disability.

Effect of delay in this case

To that end, the Supreme Court explained Lyons’ incarceration in the U.S. when it ordered a review of the disability as a step before deciding whether to take corrective action or certify a copy of the attorney’s investigation for disciplinary purposes. state. for this trial.

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In summary, due to this force “Performing costly procedures such as preparing powers of attorney, appointing and having an official translator, filing requests with the DOJ’s Office of International Affairs, The portfolio is subject to administration by foreign judicial authorities and awaits a response, so it must be used four to five months before the hearing date.”

This has implications because the chamber’s agenda goes back a long way with other proceedings, and since the timing of Lyon’s possible connection is unknown, the court has been forced to schedule a full day and postpone other cases to warrant hearings .


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