Neurologically dead mothers giving birth and grandmothers taking on the role of mothers

go through Eric Corrales | August 13, 2023 at 9:44 am

In 2016, the whole of Costa Rica witnessed the birth of the so-called “child of the miracle”.

After Deylan Isaac Guillen Calderón, a premature baby born from the body of her deceased mother, suffered a neurological death, doctors at Cartago Hospital kept her connected to a machine for nearly two months so that the baby Being able to grow in her womb saved his life.

Amid the pain of losing her daughter and the joy of the birth of her grandson, Mrs. Yolanda Calderon mustered the courage and strength to face the harsh loss and in turn embrace the challenge of becoming a mother again, and at the age of 22, raised her last daughter of the

Seven years on, this exemplary woman has decided to open up again and share her life story This Mother’s Day, she is setting an example for many women and proving that “the power of love can overcome any pain,” as she describes it.

At that time, the birth of little Dylan was considered by doctors to be an extremely strange case, “there are not many literatures published in the world literature, and among the few literatures, less than half of them can be successfully pregnant” so that it can survive , to provide life support to a mother who has died of neurosis, so that the baby can grow in her body with the minimum living conditions,” expert Rafael Mora explained to the media.

Dylan was born at five and a half months.

Seven years have passed, how is life for the little guy?

We’ve done well thank God so far a normal role of a mother with ups and downs he’s done well he’s in second grade with good grades he’s been a very bright boy he’s been A normal state of mind is formed like any other child, not a premature baby.

My husband and I are taking care of him and we are giving him everything he needs, although we tried to get IMAS to give us a little scholarship even with the PANI documents, we were unsuccessful, so here is my wife’s salary husband is from the Caballo Blanco factory Drivers, are the reason for our success. I’m a housewife and I give him my all, but let me tell you, he’s very smart, he already knows how to read and everything.

How long has your daughter been dead, connected only to a machine?

My daughter died from complications of pneumonia. He was born very prematurely at five months and two weeks. My daughter was lifeless and could only be connected to the machine. It took one and a half months before the child was given life. Dylan was hospitalized for a month and a half after the birth, mostly because of the weight, but he didn’t need oxygen or anything.

We have three boys and she is the only girl and the youngest. It’s hard, mixed feelings, sadness and joy at the same time, but we have to accept it that way and God does that because He knows we can deal with it.

Raquel was 22 years old when he died.

Did the little guy already know the truth of his story?

It was an unexpected thing because one afternoon he asked me if I had him in my belly so I didn’t even know what to say to him and I thought about answering him and I told him no I told He Raquel is the mother, she had it in her belly, he died of a disease, that’s when she started to find out the truth gradually, I showed her a picture of his mother, but she saw her assimilation was fine and normal , she quickly understood that it was six years old and entered the first grade.

I imagined him starting to observe the classmates coming with their moms, and the teacher told him that his grandma was there, so I imagined his process of asking questions started from there.

Now he has another brother, 14, and another brother, 10, but the latter lives with his father in Turrialba, so they don’t see each other. We’re here to give you all the love you need.

I told him that you are the miracle child of Costa Rica, because a reporter here in Cartago did a study, out of 13 mothers who died neurologically during pregnancy, only one survived and that was Deylan, the others were with the mother died.

I told him I had the newspaper and a capsule with his story in there because the fund honored him.

Aside from the premature clothes I showed him, which he didn’t believe, he thought it was a doll because it was so small.

You said Xu Dongdong knew he was going to die, what was the process like?

One afternoon, I said goodbye to her and went home to sleep, and she told me: “Mom took care of them together, no one separated, she took good care of them.” Of course I told her right away, what is this for? Does this tell me we never thought I was going to die, I told her to calm down and nothing would happen, she kissed my forehead and I gave her my blessing, I cried on the bus because it was very strange. At 2am, the hospital called us because she was in serious condition and passed away that day.

According to Doña Yolanda, her husband is one of the most excited about Deylan

Do you still have to take care of her when she’s neurologically dead?

Yes, she has been pregnant for four months and two weeks, it all happened very quickly, the hardest thing is also later, she is dead, I have to go to the hospital every morning and evening to bathe her, so that her body can be good . No blisters, we bathed her with cream.

Part of that feeling as a mother and a woman is pain and part of knowing that a baby is coming and you have to take care of him.

It was hard, it was hard to know that I would arrive at the hospital and she was almost asleep, I would arrive and talk to her, I would ask how she woke up, how she spent the night.

The nurses just stared at me and they would tell me “Yolanda, you’re in such a good mood, my mood convinced me” because I’d come and talk to her as if I was awake, same at night, I’d come to bless She, the doctor told me, is because I cling to the hand of God that they are afraid.

What message can you use your example to convey to other mothers?

The message is that they love their children very much, they bless them every day like they normally do because people don’t know if they will continue to raise their children tomorrow, they love them very much.

The secret to guiding children on the path of goodness. It starts with education, but it’s a tough process because imagine my daughter is 22 and I’m starting all over again, she’s the youngest.

He gave my husband so much more than he gave me, I speak normally and I remember it, but my husband cried, but he was very attached to Dylan. So love your kids like it’s the last day you’ll see them.

Deylan is seven years old and can already read and write.

What did the doctor in this case tell you?

A lot of people were surprised but I had a lot of arguments with a doctor who said he didn’t believe in miracles but I told him yes of course there were miracles in her stomach but he said no yes it was three days later The antibiotics and chemicals they gave the baby were fine and it was a gift, but I told him it wasn’t a gift, it was a miracle.

All the antibiotics and everything they gave her was dragging on, the doctor said if it lasted more than eight days it was a process, but again I insisted no it would be a miracle if it happened.

Ah ah, but when I met with all the media for the first time with all the media, the doctor who quarreled with me first said: “The Miracle Baby of Costa Rica”, after the meeting, I caught up with him and I asked him: “DOct, what did you say at the meeting? what did you say?“. Then IHe said “I don’t know Mrs. Yolanda, I’ve said so much” and I told him “you say miracle baby in Costa Rica, you don’t believe in miracles” and he didn’t say anything else, he turned around, Laughed and told me he hugged because actually most of what Raquel injected was something he was born with but no he’s a normal kid super smart and I’m not going to tell him he’s in 2nd grade Now, nothing was difficult for him.

What about the day Dylan was born?

Well, after a month in the womb, she was already a viable child, and they couldn’t give her an abortion because she was developing so well, so they said no, and they didn’t decide to operate on her until she got pneumonia, We later signed an agreement to disassociate her when she became ill and take the baby away from her once it was already developed.

It was a fatal day because of the day, both happy and sad, they brought him out and the doctor showed him to us through the window, everyone was happy, there was all kinds of media, all happy; but 15 minutes Then they walked past me and Raquel was already wrapped in a sheet, which was horrible.

But as I told you, after happiness comes sadness.

Deylan is a miracle, with so many antibiotics, the doctor told me we have to wait and see, because it affects the fetus a lot, but there are no chemicals affecting it, it is completely normal and intelligent.

Is love the key?

Love is the key, actually yes, after 22 years, but the advice I give is to love your children very much, hug them like they are their last, and bless them every day.

That resurgent mother instinct never goes away.

If you would like to do something for this humble family in Santa Lucia de Paraiso, Cartago, you can call SINPE 7293-8326 in the name of Yolanda Calderón.

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