Zoë Saldanha is a test-tube pastry chef in Paris with her husband and children. video

Actress-record holder, wife, mother, and now also … confectioner tester. Zoe Saldana learned the secrets of French desserts from an expert, “viral” chef Cedric Grolet. Together with her husband and children, she proved her talents and worked as a waitress among the visitors to try her delicacies. The result is appetizing!

Zoe Saldanha learns secrets from a pastry chef

Main character guardians of the galaxy AND Avatars44, attended a confectionery workshop with a French guru who has almost 8 million followers on Instagram alone. the best pastry chef in the world in accordance with 50 best restaurants in the world. In a video shared on social media, Zoë Saldanha and Cédric Grolet illustrate the creation step by step delicious tarts with berries. Cakes, which were then distributed outside the Parisian patisserie. Cedric Grolet Le Meurice. And among the enthusiastic comments on the video there is a comment from a friend of both Selena Gomezwho wrote “Because you’re the cutest!”.

(Half Italian) actress family Avatars

Her husband, an Italian director, made sure to help her Marco Perego, 44, whom the actress secretly married in June 2013 after a lightning-fast engagement. Thus, for ten years the star Avatars It has special connection with Italy. “By marrying an Italian, I married your culture, your warmth. Italy is a second home, ”he said in an interview with the publication. Republic in December 2022. The couple has three children: Twins Sai and Bowie, 8, and their son Zen, 6. They also appear at the end of the video with a very important task: little tasters…


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