Bird flu detected in dozens of dead sea lions in Viedma

Photo Maxi Jonas
Photo: Maxi Jonas

more than ten books Sea lions found dead or showing bird flu symptoms between El Cóndor Spa and Punta Bermeja de Viedma Nature ReserveLocated in Rionegro, according to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Rionegro and members of the local municipal government.

Fabián Llanos, Deputy Minister of the Environment and Climate Change of the Rionegro, announced to Télam this Thursday that, Restricted access to Punta Bermeja beach As a precautionary principle, because “we don’t know how far the spread of this virus is going”, and said that under the Senasa protocol, the recommendation for animal carcasses is burial.

“We’re not sure how it evolves or how it’s contagious, it’s going to be circling the coast and we hope it passes as quickly as possible so people don’t experience that in the summer,” the official said.

“We’re not sure how it evolves or how it’s contagious, and it’s going to be circling the coast, and we hope it passes as quickly as possible so people don’t experience that in the summer.”Fabián Llanos, Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Rionegro

According to official reports, the infection affecting the Otaria flavescens species (one-haired sea lion) is considered highly pathogenic.

the past days, Dozens of sea lions found dead in the port of Necochea, Buenos Aires Professionals from the National Agri-Food Hygiene and Quality Service (Senasa) are working today to determine if this is due to a possible bird flu infection.

return Tierra del Fuego reports 21 dead sea lions, at least 7 confirmed infected Bird flu, for which the provincial government put up posters to prevent people from entering the coastal sanctuary in the city of Rio Grande.

investigation committee

After the new findings in the Rionegro, authorities said that “bird flu is a potentially zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans.”

“The virus can be found in the faeces and secretions of birds and marine mammals, posing a real risk to people who may come into contact with these animals or their body fluids,” they warn.

Senasa personnel collected specimens in the Viedma region and formed an interagency working committee with the objective of «Effectively monitor and resolve “problems”.

The working committee is composed of the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, the Coordinating Department of the Environmental Health Field and Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, the municipalities of Viedma, Senasa, the Argentine Navy Department and the Rio Negro Police Department.

As mentioned earlier, the goal is to monitor the situation on a long-term basis, to provide the population with updated advice and to disseminate relevant information on a continuous basis.

Advice to the public

In that frame, Citizens are advised to maintain “restricted beach access”.

It clarified: “It is strongly requested not to enter the affected beach areas, avoiding contact with these areas will help reduce the risk of contagion.”

Also, someone remembers Pets banned from beaches because ‘exposure of domestic animals to virus is very dangerous’ and facilitate its dissemination. “

the authorities also recommend Keep a safe distance and avoid direct contact “If you see sea lions or find dead birds, minimize the chances of spreading the virus.”

Advise “no contact with surfaces, whether wild or free-ranging, that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous membranes or bird droppings”.

“If wild and domestic birds are found to be sick or dead, Immediate communication with Senasa authorities is critical“, they said

The official method of communication is the Senasa Notifications app for Android devices, email to, call 11 5700 5704, fill out the online form or go to the nearest office.

In the end, it was recalled that “at this time, everyone’s cooperation and responsibility are essential to control the spread and safeguard the health of the people.”

It also asked the community to “keep informed of the situation through official channels and to follow the instructions of the intervening agency authorities”.

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