iMagazine – The art of cinema. Video portraits of the artist

A cycle of film screenings with free admission, which, in Court Marco d’Aviano in Gradisca d’Isonzo, will present five author’s portraits of iconic artists of the twentieth century. AND Cinema art. Video portraits of the artist»film festival organized Erpak Fvgin collaboration withAssociation “House of Cinema” Trieste andAssociation Quarantasettezero.

Included in the summer activities of the Regional Gallery of Modern Art “Luigi Spazzapan”, the review will begin. Thursday, August 3 at 21:00. With Frida», biopic signed by Julie Taymor and centered on the figure of Frida Halo, an icon of twentieth-century art. Starring Salma Hayek, Mia Maestro, Alfred Molina and Antonio Banderas. The film (USA, Canada, Mexico, 2002, 123 min.) is an adaptation of the book Frida. Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera and tells the story of the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, from a tumultuous relationship with her husband Diego Rivera to a controversial relationship with Leon Trotsky, all the way to the provocative stories he had with some women. Frida is depicted as a revolutionary woman at all times and in all choices of her life, capable of snatching ideas from the visible world, from the signs of nature and Mexican culture, transferring them to a two-dimensional canvas. Admission is free subject to availability (maximum 100).

In case of bad weather, the screening will be resumed on Tuesday 29 August at the Municipal Hall of Bergamas.

Thursday 17 August at 21.00 it will be the queue “pollock”directed by Ed Harris, dedicated to Jackson Pollock, master of action painting (USA, 2000, 122′, with Ed Harris, Robert Knott, Molly Regan, Marcia Gay Harden, Tom Bower, Amy Madigan).

Monday 21 August at 21.00 will be projected Jean-Michel Basquiat. Shining child”directed by Tamra Davis, biographical documentary about Jean-Michel Basquiat, a central figure in the New York art and underground scene (USA, 2010, 90 minutes, original version with Italian subtitles).

Thursday, August 24 at 21 there will be a show “Marina Abramovic – The artist is present”directed by Matthew Akers, a documentary film produced by the American cable television channel HBO and dedicated to the Serbian artist Marina Abramović (USA, 2012, 99 minutes, original version with Italian subtitles).

Thursday 31 August at 21.00 review will end Dalilanddirected by Mary Harron, documentary about Salvador Dali with Ben Kingsley, Barbara Sukova, Christopher Briney, Rupert Graves, Alexander Beyer (UK, 2022, 104′).

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