New bird flu outbreak in sea lions in Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces They closed the southern breakwaters of Mar del Plata

he National Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) confirms two new cases highly pathogenic avian influenza (AIAP) Detection of H5 in marine mammals silver sea (Buenos Aires) and pyramid port (Chubutan).Port authorities restrict access to the southern breakwater on the coast of Mar del Plata, where More than 30 dead sea lions.

Senasa National Laboratory has diagnosed new disease-positive samples taken from sea lions (Otaria flavescens) that were found dead at the two sites.

So far, seven notifications about sea lions have been addressed, three of which have been negative; Ruth) and this Friday’s case.

These findings were obtained within the framework of surveillance operations and health measures carried out throughout the country. prevent diseaseestablished by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Emergency DeclarationSenasa said in a statement.

Mar del Plata’s southern breakwater closed

Following the confirmation of a new case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 in Mar del Plata sea lions, the port authorities, together with the Argentine national government, Access to the city’s southern pier is restricted.

In this sense, the area will be fenced over the next few hours to prevent people from approaching the animals, while troop personnel have been deployed to prevent pedestrian traffic on the southern breakwater.

More than 30 sea lion carcasses have been recorded so far off the coast of Mar del Plata, recommended by Senasa “Do not handle dead animals or animals with suspicious symptoms”.

Additionally, visitors, producers, institutions, and the public are reminded that they must report if high mortality, neurological, digestive, and/or respiratory symptoms of susceptible species are found in wild birds or in commercial or backyard poultry.

It also advises “not to travel to poultry farms or wildlife habitats after exposure to dead or symptomatic animals.”

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