Post-Summer Acne: Why It Happens, Tips to Control It, and Treatments to Get Rid of It

sun drying effect This makes the pimples visibly disappear, and in defense of the attack, the skin starts producing sebum, which thickens and clogs the pores. When the sun’s antibacterial and drying effects stop working (i.e. when you leave the beach for the city) The skin begins to respond by releasing the clogged pores. This release leads to the exposure of sebum, resulting in what we call a “post-summer acne breakout”. ” Mar Mira and Sofia Ruiz del Cotto.

Tips for controlling acne breakouts

+ Cleanse skin daily before and after the beach or pool Removes traces of chlorine, sea salt and sunscreen.

+ It’s not just basic Moisturize your skin daily with the right moisturizing cosmetics. Ideally, use light, non-comedogenic makeup and apply makeup with SPF 50 daily to avoid post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

+ After the holidays, Serum or Lotion Containing BHA Daily (beta hydroxy acids such as salicylic acid), American Heart Association (alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid) and Retinoids Promotes the renewal of the stratum corneum.

+ If residual pigmented lesions remain after pimple disappears, we recommend Depigmenting Makeup with Azelaic Acid or Niacinamidehas depigmentation and soothing properties.

The 3 Biggest Mistakes You Make When You Get Acne

  1. Beware of astringent cosmetics! Acne-prone skin needs moisturizing. In fact, if you become dehydrated, the barrier function changes in favor of injury. This is perhaps the hardest thing for patients, especially teens, to understand that moisturizers make breakouts multiply, but that’s not the case.
  1. Don’t use a scrub or cosmetic exfoliating gadget to exfoliate your skin every day. Exfoliation should be done 1 to 2 times a week and remember: we should never exfoliate active inflammatory lesions or pus-filled pimples as this may enlarge or perpetuate the lesions.
  1. Do not touch the grain. You’d love to have hyperpigmentation or scarring if you manipulate them. In the face of painful and deep lesions, don’t move around, just apply the cosmetics prescribed by the doctor and wait.

Medications that help with acne

+ topical medicines: Keratolytics to prevent the formation of keratin plugs at the hair follicle exit; antibiotics to reduce bacterial counts; retinoids to regulate glandular secretions, glycolic acid as a keratolytic and sebum regulator (with/without salicylic acid ).

+ Oral route: Oral antibiotics, hormone therapy, and/or oral tretinoin.

+ peel: Use various substances that have anti-inflammatory keratolytic properties and are designed to control bacterial counts. The most common are alpha and beta hydroxy acids (such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid). If there are scars or marks, a TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel can be done for a deeper effect.

+ IPL (Intense Pulse Light): It is used as a supplement to traditional treatments (medications and peels) to reduce inflammatory lesions and bacterial counts in moderate or mild acne.

+ RF: Electromagnetic waves have shown tremendous efficacy in regulating the size and secretion of the sebaceous glands, making them an excellent addition to classic anti-acne treatments.

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