Afraid for Georgia Soleri, she reveals it all: “I live in terror”

The famous face of Non è la Rai became a vigilante

Some girls from Non è la Rai – “Source: Instagram” –

One of the famous familiar faces This is not Paradise, present in this old frame, radically changed his life. She went from dancer to vigilante, which is exactly what happened to the mysterious girl hired at the time by Gianni Boncompagni.

From This is not Paradise vigilantes that’s what happened to a famous familiar face today. Among the faces of the girls chosen Gianni Boncompagni his show Mediaset also features “our” Mystery Woman. You will be amazed, as no one ever thought that everything would end up this way.

Unfortunately, not all of them had an epilogue to Ambra Angiolini, Miriana Trevisan and all the now famous girls who have gone through This is not Ray. There are others, like the well-known person that we will tell you about shortly, just a “jump”. she failed.

That’s what the face is doing today This is not Paradise

This is a character whose identity we will reveal to you shortly. He worked on the program of Gianni Boncompagni. This is not Paradise when she was a little girl, as she herself stated: “This program was very important for me both for my education and for my creative growth, an excellent school. I was 12. We were and remain very simple girls. We had so much fun outside of work…”

He had good times, but he also had terrible ones, like that one. stalker who threatened her with death during the program’s release: “A man was chasing me. The situation became difficult. He sent me recordings of his voice, and once he made me a voodoo doll, a really creepy thing that had a pin from temple to temple, a noose around the neck, and one leg was missing. And he left me a note that said, “This is you and this is the end you will end up with.” I was afraid to even go out with my friends. Unfortunately, such episodes also took place. I never managed to figure out who it was…”

This is how Eleonora Sechere is now

Eleonora Sechere today – “Source: Instagram” –

He accepted his new working reality

Probably after the hints we spoiled you earlier, you already know what we’re talking about. Who is the famous friend This is not Paradise who today have become vigilantes. We are talking about Eleonora Secherewho in the world of entertainment he did a few things, but then, as she herself stated: “In my own way, I now have a thirty-seven year career. I have worked with great artists like Fellini, Gassman, Scola… it’s a world where everything can change from day to day. Always keep your feet on the ground. I am proud of my history… I have nothing to be ashamed of, today the world of entertainment has become more complicated, there is no meritocracy, people don’t go forward only for their abilities…”.

Finally, Sechere herself told how his life has changed after the pandemic: “I continued to do theater, but, unfortunately, during the pandemic, everything stopped, and I started doing something else. I started sending out various resumes, I didn’t want to stay at home, I wanted to cooperate with my family’s daily expenses, I was answered by a security company with trust services, and I still remain a vigilante … This is a job that I am satisfied with. Of course, it wasn’t my dream.”

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