Are there germs in the house? You must pay attention to these 10 sources of infection!

No matter how clean we are, the presence of germs in our homes is inevitable. Some are good for our health, but others can cause disease.

Microbiology experts insist it’s not about living in fear, but about being aware.

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“It’s important to balance proper cleansing with not obsession. Germs are everywhere, and many of them are necessary for our health.

However, maintaining clean habits in these areas can help prevent disease,” said Dr. Isabel GutiĆ©rrez, a microbiologist and professor at Central University.

The message is clear: a clean home is not just about what we see, it’s about what we don’t see. Taking precautions and considering these sources of infection will help us provide a safer space for everyone.

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Remember, even in the most orderly house, you may find countless unwanted guests. These tiny parasites are invisible to the naked eye, but the billions of bacteria and viruses that grow on the surfaces you touch every day could be a major cause of your next sneeze, cold or gastroenteritis.

Here are the top 10 places to look, according to experts:

1. Sponge and kitchen rag. We moisturise them constantly and they retain organic residue which makes them a haven for bacteria. It is recommended to replace it frequently and wash it with hot water.

2. Sink and drain. Food residue and moisture create a favorable environment. It is important to clean daily and disinfect at least once a week.

3. Handles, knobs and switches. They are constantly being touched by different people, accumulating bacteria. We should clean at least once a week.

4. Controller or remote control. Like switches, they are often manipulated by different members of the family, accumulating bacteria.

5. Bathroom: toilet and shower. Moisture and organic waste create the perfect space for them to multiply. Regular cleaning and disinfection is essential.

6. Toothbrush. As surprising as this may seem, they can contain a lot of bacteria if not stored properly. They should not touch each other and it is recommended to update them every three months.

7. Cutting board. If not cleaned properly, it can be a source of contamination, especially where raw meat is prepared.

8. Keyboards and mobile devices. As objects of daily use and frequent handling, they may contain a large number of microorganisms.

9. Rugs and rugs. They collect dirt, food crumbs, hair and other particles and can become breeding grounds if not cleaned properly.

10. Pet toys. They’re a common source of bacteria because our pets chew and play with them a lot.

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