Bruno Munari’s experimental parable between art and design

Bruno Munari, who is remembered as one of the most interesting figures in the Italian cultural panorama of the 20th century, was a recognized figure in many fields, acting not only as an artist, but also as a graphic and industrial designer, writer, teacher and trainer. A multifaceted figure who, twenty-five years after his death, continues to inspire generations of creators around the world with his “enlightened” and playful works that can engage all the senses of the beholder. An exhibition called “Bruno Munari” will soon glorify his art. The Ease of Art, which can be visited from October 13, 2023 to March 31, 2024 in Verona, at the Eataly Art House: a project that traces the main stages of a career marked by constant experimentation that has been able to combine art, technique and play. BRUNO MUNARI BETWEEN ART AND PLAY Curated by Alberto Salvadori and Luca Zaffarano, the exhibition presents a very diverse corpus of works that crystallize the artist’s poetics, between perceptual games, vivid paintings, explorations of dynamism and relationships with space. The route is full of iconographic devices, accompanied by short texts by Munari himself, which offer the reader a useful tool for deepening the creativity and theoretical activity of the artist. Other documentary sections have been added: a section on recent historical-critical research, a selection of historical sources, and an appendix consisting of descriptive photographic sequences of installations and lighting environments. In support of the exhibition, there will also be a series of educational workshops dedicated to the artist’s design thinking, structured by age groups and open to families. (Top image: Bruno Munari, Skimmietta Zizi, 1952. Courtesy of Fondazione Pirelli)

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