“I’m a doctor and here’s why you should never wax your nose hair”

Deciding not to shave areas like the legs, armpits, or pubic bone is up to each individual, but when it comes to remove hair from the inside of the noseIt’s best not to touch them. Otolaryngologists and dermatologists are well aware of this and often advise against pulling hair from the nostrils for a number of reasons, including serious infections.

In addition, they emphasize the valuable role they play in the body. “The main purpose of nose hair is to Captures dust, pollen and other particles Suspended in the air to partially filter it,” explains Dr. Michael Jacobs, a dermatologist and associate professor at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. huffington post.

In other words, hair acts as a physical barrier, preventing allergens from entering the nasal passages and causing irritation or damage to the respiratory system.but It also alerts us to possible dangers. “When something touches the hairs of the nostrils, such as a small insect or other irritant, it triggers a reflexive sneeze, which is the body’s way of repelling the intruder,” Dr. Don Beasley, a registered otolaryngologist, wrote in the same article. explained in the diary. .

Also, nose hairs can help Maintain Optimal Humidity Levels in the nostrils. “They trap moisture in the exhaled air, preventing the nostrils from getting too dry,” Beasley continues. “This moisture helps humidify the air we breathe, making our respiratory system more comfortable.”

What are the risks of pulling nose hair?

Sometimes they’re prominent and visible: removing nose hair can be a tempting option to avoid this. However, the nostril is a fragile part, numerous blood vessels and mucous membranes.Whether you do it yourself or go to a salon, pulling hair, especially with dirty hands or without proper hygiene, increases the risk of infection, leading to complications such as Folliculitis or nasal cellulitis.

Eliminating nose hair completely means eliminating the filtration system that is essential to maintaining health and wellness. Avoid infections such as nasal vestibulitis and nasal abscess“, according to board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Nicole Aaronson. Vestibulitis is a bacterial infection of the nose that, while usually easy to treat, can cause complications such as boils, blisters, redness, and swelling.

“While waxing doesn’t necessarily weaken the immune system, it does. Breaks down the skin barrier by creating openings “The bacteria can penetrate deeper tissues, creating the possibility of infection,” the doctor explained. In the most severe cases, a visit to a GP is required. Since this is a bacterial infection, treatment may include topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, and intravenous antibiotics.

Furthermore, he added too hot wax will burn Nasal mucosa, the tissue lining the nasal cavity. Not only can this irritate the nasal mucosa and cause pain: removing the superficial skin also creates small lesions on the nose, increasing the risk of infection.

on the other hand, ingrown hairs They can also be a problem when waxing your nose. “Ingrown hairs can occur after waxing when the new hair growing from the follicle can’t break through the skin,” Aaronson explains. “Since waxing plucks the hair by the root, it has to find its way through the skin again.”

Alternatives to Removing Nose Hair

Waxing is no longer a problem, see Remove nose hair with tweezers. But doctors also encourage against it.in the article huffington postAaronson explained that pulling nose hair should be avoided, as she herself has had to cut and drain a nasal abscess associated with it.

So, “I wouldn’t recommend this nose hair removal method,” he gives up.So the only option is Trim nose hair Be careful not to make dangerous cuts as it doesn’t hurt and you don’t have to pull them. Of course, the best option is to never touch them, as they are the body’s natural allies against disease.

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