The Last of Us showrunner is working on a Disney reboot

The writer and producer of the successful TV series The Last of Us has confirmed that shortly before the strikes in Hollywood, Disney allowed the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot to begin.

As shown los angeles times, author and producer of the popular TV series Last of us — Craig Mazin — confirmed that shortly before the Hollywood strikes, Disney allowed the reboot of the beloved franchise, taken from one of Mickey’s house theme parks, to begin. Pirates Caribbean.

Pirates of the Caribbean is still at stake: The Last of Us showrunner is working on it

Pirates of the Caribbean

Walt Disney Pictures, Jerry Bruckheimer Films

However, other details about a possible next film are currently Pirates of the Caribbean they are still few. All we know is that Disney has been wanting a new chapter in the saga for a long time. Then everything faded into the background when issues related to Johnny Depp and his ex-wife in court spread to the franchise. Thus, the actor who had played Jack Sparrow for years was left out of the film, leaving fans in despair and believing that the saga was over and would never be revived, at least not with Jack Sparrow. Then there were rumors that Disney was trying to shed new light on it all by casting international star Margot Robbie in the title role.

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer recently stated that – despite rumors that this project too has been shelved – everything is still working: I think the script will be presented someday. We have developed two different stories for Pirates of the Caribbean and one of them will get a sequel someday.”

However, Bruckheimer insisted that he was working on bringing Johnny Depp back to the lead role of Jack Sparrow: “We’re still working on it, but nothing is certain yet. We continue to make small Steps”. However, the actor does not appear to be particularly interested, as during his 2022 libel suit, he stated that he was not interested in reprising his role as Sparrow.

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