What is the best background and skills?

These are the backgrounds you can use to create your characters in Starfield, and the ones we think will be most beneficial for your space adventures.

when to create your features In Starfield, the first thing you do is choose your background.This is a series of abilities that will make things easier for you in the first bar, but there are some better backgrounds than others, here we will tell you what they are and why.

What are the best backgrounds in Starfield?

to understand why we chooseyou must understand Background is nothing more than a set of skills That They will start at level 1.That is, starting from strengths in this or that field, but they are not unique skills, which is the trait.The only thing that changes is Some dialogs may have special options. For example, if you’re a soldier, you might have unique options in missions involving the military. With this in mind, 3 best backgrounds From our point of view, the reasons are as follows:

  • Bounty Hunter: At the beginning you have the option to use the jetpack, as well as the pilot level, which you have to level up to level 3 if you want to pilot some nicer ships.
  • Carrier: Similar to Bounty Hunter, but changes the ability to use the jetpack from the start to increase the maximum load you can carry.
  • Web proxy: You will start with security level 1 and must be at least level 3 to pick any locks. Additionally, you’ll have the ability to draw from scratch, although we don’t recommend overdoing it.

all background explained

if you still want understand each contextthese are all available and what each of their starting abilities does:


Starfield - Background: Artist

  • drug: Health kits, trauma kits, and first aid kits regenerate health 10% faster and 10% faster.
  • geologist: You can get more common and uncommon inorganic resources from surface items.
  • persuade: 10% increased success chance when trying to convince someone.

beast hunter

Starry Sky - Background: Beast Hunter

  • physical fitness: Your available oxygen is increased by 10%.
  • Ballistics: Ballistic weapons deal 10% more damage.
  • gourmet food: You can create specialty foods and drinks and research other recipes in the research lab.

Bounty Hunter

Starry Sky - Background: Bounty Hunter
  • Pilotage: You can now use ship thrusters.
  • Toe Control: Unlocks the aiming feature for ships.
  • Backpacking training: Now you can use the jetpack.


Starry Sky - Background: Chef

  • gourmet food: You can create specialty foods and drinks and research other recipes in the research lab.
  • Duelist: Melee weapon damage increased by 25%. You take 10% less damage when using a melee weapon.
  • Search for consumables: Bonus points for the chance to find when searching containers.

web proxy

Starry Sky - Background: Cyber ​​Agent

  • Stealth: Added invisible gauges. While sneaking, you are 25% less difficult to spot. Your suppressed weapons deal 5% more damage per sneak attack.
  • Safety: You can attempt to crack a premium lock and accumulate 2 automatic attempts.
  • robbery: Unlocks the ability to steal from the target.


Starry Sky - Background: Cyberne

  • drug: Health kits, trauma kits, and first aid kits regenerate health 10% faster and 10% faster.
  • Safety: You can attempt to crack a premium lock and accumulate 2 automatic attempts.
  • laser: Laser weapons deal 10% more damage.


Starry Sky - Background: Colonists

  • geologist: You can get more common and uncommon inorganic resources from surface items.
  • Detection: Adds optional zoom levels for handheld scanners and increases scanning distance to 20 meters.
  • weightlifting: Total load capacity increased by 10 kg.


Starry Sky - Background: Diploma
  • persuade: 10% increased success chance when trying to convince someone.
  • trading: Buy 5% lower and sell 10% higher.
  • Welfare: Your maximum health is increased by 10%.


Starry Sky - Background: Teacher

  • Astrodynamics: Gravity Jump range increased by 15%.
  • geologist: You can get more common and uncommon inorganic resources from surface items.
  • Research MT: 10% less resources required to craft items and complete research projects.


Starry Sky - Background: Explorers

  • laser: Laser weapons deal 10% more damage.
  • Astrodynamics: Gravity Jump range increased by 15%.
  • Detection: Adds optional zoom levels for handheld scanners and increases scanning distance to 20 meters.

space rogue

Starry Sky - Background: Space Rogues

  • Firearm Certification: Pistols deal 10% more damage.
  • Pilotage: You can now use ship thrusters.
  • persuade: 10% increased success chance when trying to convince someone.


Starry Sky - Background: G

  • Shotgun Certification: Shotgun damage increased by 10%.
  • boxing: Unarmed strikes deal 25% increased damage. You consume 25% less O2 when performing Power Attacks.
  • robbery: Unlocks the ability to steal from the target.


Starry Sky - Background: Industrial

  • persuade: 10% increased success chance when trying to convince someone.
  • Safety: You can attempt to crack a premium lock and accumulate 2 automatic attempts.
  • Research MT: 10% less resources required to craft items and complete research projects.


Starry Sky - Background: Mercenaries

  • Duelist: Melee weapon damage increased by 25%. You take 10% less damage when using a melee weapon.
  • Stealth: Added invisible gauges. While sneaking, you are 25% less difficult to spot. Your suppressed weapons deal 5% more damage per sneak attack.
  • Search for consumables: Bonus points for the chance to find when searching containers.

field medic

Starry Sky - Background: M

  • Firearm Certification: Pistols deal 10% more damage.
  • drug: Health kits, trauma kits, and first aid kits regenerate health 10% faster and 10% faster.
  • Welfare: Your maximum health is increased by 10%.


Starry Sky - Background: Pilgrims

  • Search for consumables: Bonus points for the chance to find when searching containers.
  • Detection: Adds optional zoom levels for handheld scanners and increases scanning distance to 20 meters.
  • gourmet food: You can create specialty foods and drinks and research other recipes in the research lab.


Starry Sky - Background: Door

  • boxing: Unarmed strikes deal 25% increased damage. You consume 25% less O2 when performing Power Attacks.
  • Safety: You can attempt to crack a premium lock and accumulate 2 automatic attempts.
  • physical fitness: Your available oxygen is increased by 10%.


Starry Sky - Background: Soldier

  • physical fitness: Your available oxygen is increased by 10%.
  • Ballistics: Ballistic weapons deal 10% more damage.
  • Backpacking training: Now you can use the jetpack.


Starry Sky - Background: Aircraft Carrier

  • weightlifting: Total load capacity increased by 10 kg.
  • Pilotage: You can now use ship thrusters.
  • Ballistic weapons: Ship energy weapons deal 10% more damage and aim mode cost is reduced by 20%.


Starry Sky - Background: Xenobi

  • laser: Laser weapons deal 10% more damage.
  • Detection: Adds optional zoom levels for handheld scanners and increases scanning distance to 20 meters.
  • physical fitness: Your available oxygen is increased by 10%.

(not found)

Starry Sky - Background: (not found)

  • Welfare: Your maximum health is increased by 10%.
  • Ballistics: Ballistic weapons deal 10% more damage.
  • Pilotage: You can now use ship thrusters.

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