50% of Sinaloa population tested for HIV/AIDS: CAPASITS –

50% of Sinaloa population tested for HIV/AIDS: CAPASITS –

Bernardo Hurtado

Culiacan, Sinaloa – Dr. Gabriela Aldapa Leal, director of the Outpatient Center for AIDS and Transmitted Infection Prevention and Care, reports that about 50 percent of key populations are tested for HIV/AIDS . , CAPASITS, for Viva La Norticia.

He said that for a period of time, people’s awareness of risks has increased, and it is generally required to carry out detection and testing in the unit, which increases the openness and testing requirements when the detection module is placed.

“Instead, invite everyone who is sexually active or just starting to make up their mind to learn about the different STIs, how they are HIV, how they are syphilis and hepatitis C, these are the tests we do every day, yes So it’s important to have this awareness of the risk so that you can get tested and thus prevent these infections because they can do some damage to our body or our health and it’s very important to get detected in time.”

He reports that there are plenty of young people coming to the test and that the adult population is more open, busting the myth.

At this point, HIV data has been maintained, although it has also occurred in previous months, but this is due to increased testing efforts.

“We’re starting to do more testing, more people, because they’ve tested reactive or positive, but that’s because the work has intensified, so there’s a need to find cases more or catch them in time, and that’s why they’ve increased But now it’s established.”

So he concluded by reporting that they are running prevention and timely detection campaigns to try to reach a larger population to raise awareness.

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