The Most Stressful Smells for Cats | Today’s News

Cats have a more developed sensory system than humans.


Cats perceive the world differently than us humans.they have a well-developed sensory system, especially vision, hearing and smell. However, this keen sense can also backfire.

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According to Docter’s Feline Veterinary Hospital, the feline olfactory system is closely linked to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the brain that controls responses to odors. pressure. this can cause certain odors discomfort or anxietyand even some pleasant aromas.

cats are more stressed usually than it seems every copy is ok React differently he. According to Dogtor’s Cat, no one can say exactly why your cat is responding to a certain stimulus, especially since there isn’t much scientific research on the topic. Even so, experts agree that it’s best to identify which odors are stressful to kittens in order to try to eliminate them. keep them away from them.

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According to Dogtor’s Cat, these odors can be major sources of stress for cats:


cats hate the smell of something lemon fruit Such as lemons, oranges and tangerines. Therefore experts recommend keeping them away from kittens.


Not only do felines reject the smell of eucalyptus, but they can harmful to them. Cats who accidentally swallow its leaves are at risk poisoned.

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cleaning products

cleaning products strong fragrance They can also be unpleasant and stressful for cats. Experts advise against using these types of cleaners, especially on litter boxes.Instead, they recommend using Gentle, pet-safe, fragrance-free cleaner.

At Dogtor’s Cat they emphasize that cats have sensitive respiratory systems and when they inhale very strong chemicals they are at risk of developing an infection. Asthma attack or chronic bronchitis.

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dirty sandbox

cat very Neat, so they hate the smell of earth.A dirty litter box full of feces will not only cause the kitten to stop using it, it will also cause conflicting behavior, Feline stress and unwanted infections.

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Rotten food:

Felines detect decomposing food faster than humans, and the smell of food is not pleasant to their noses.smells like trash bag They can stress you out and make you sick.

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