Conjunctivitis outbreak in Nayarit state

An epidemiological report issued by the Mexican Ministry of Health shows an alarming increase in the incidence of conjunctivitis in the state of Nayarit. These reports indicated that the average number of cases per week during the 34-week follow-up period in 2023 was 291.

During the 34th epidemiological week, a total of 281 new cases were registered, bringing the annual figure to date to 9,695. This is an astonishing increase of 58.44% compared to the 6,119 cases in the same period last year. This poses a worrying challenge to public health in the region due to the high rate of infection.

Conjunctivitis is a disease that involves inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane between the eyelids and eyeball. Typical symptoms include red, gritty, and persistent eye itching. In addition, it is often accompanied by discharge, and at night, scabs form on the eyelashes, commonly known as rhubarb, which can cause significant discomfort to the patient.

The increase in conjunctivitis cases highlights the importance of public education on the prevention and appropriate treatment of this disease, and the need to implement preventive measures in the community to slow its spread. The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor the situation closely and take steps to address the growing public health challenge in Nayarit.

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