G20, this is why PETA animal rights activists protested with a Pamela Anderson poster in India • TAG24

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“Big Twenty” is waiting for us: a summit of the strong is planned September 9 and 10, 2023 in India. Today September 6 PETA Animal Rights Advocates they posted Pamela Anderson banner at New Delhi airport to attract attention global warming problem.

Why PETA activists protested at the New Delhi airport in honor of the G20

He will pass in India appointment 2023 With G20, the summit of the powers that be, is scheduled for September 9 and 10.. At the center of the leaders’ debate, as usual, will be climate emergency issue. In protest today, September 6, 2023, activists movement PETA animal rights activist they decided to go to the airport New Delhi hang a banner with the image of an American actress Pamela Anderson.

Some members of the animal welfare organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) they made this gesture to warn the leaders G20 on the urgency of climate collapse. It appeared on the banner image of Pamela Anderson wearing only one White T-shirt with the above “very hot”. The message from animal rights activists to the G20 is very clear: they blame meat industry fight climate change and call on leaders with another written “Go Vegan”. The banner was taken down by security personnel.New Indira Gandhi Airport Delhibefore the arrival of the leaders.

G20 in India on September 9 and 10, 2023, here are the controversies

September 9 and 10 L’India the eighteenth edition G20. The meeting will also be attended by eight non-EU states, at the invitation of the host country, as well as permanent states. India decided this year do not invite Ukraine, adding that Russia was invited insteaddespite the group’s calls to the contrary. This started the first controversy, although every year the host country has the right to choose which countries not to invite.

Another controversy has to do with India’s decision to change its name to Bharat in calls to the G20, a Hindu term that appeared in ancient Sanskrit texts. This news immediately caused various speculations from public opinion: the first thought was about what the country wants. destroy the colonial heritage which bears the name India, chosen by the British Empire.

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