First images from set hint at Spider-Man connection

Filming on the third chapter of Venom has officially begun, and judging by the first images leaked from the set, Tom Hardy is hinting at a connection with the MCU’s Spider-Man.

Eddie Brock back in action. Tom Hardy was spotted filming Venom 3, The third chapter takes place Spider-Verse Sony which seems to further suggest a connection with Spider-Man Trilogy MCU starring Tom Holland. Judging by some videos and the first images leaked on Twitter, the start of production on the third chapter of Venom seems to be now confirmed. Its success is also determined by the presence of Tom Hardy, again the protagonist of the action, along with his symbiote. After the first chapter of 2018 and the sequel Fury of Carnage released in the midst of a pandemic in 2021, it’s Venom 3’s turn, which seems to further intertwine with the Spider-Verse dynamic.

Production on Venom 3 has begun, with the first footage from the set showing connections to Spidey.

The first photos and short videos of Venom 3 appeared on Twitter. currently in production. Tom Hardy is busy on set and in the short clip, Eddie Brock can be seen walking down the street having an animated conversation, likely with Venom. Again, thanks to images leaked from the set, some interesting elements can be captured such as Mexican setting what does the celebration indicate? Dia de Muertos (Days of the Dead). And also one more detail that serves as a direct link to Spider-Man: No Way Home. Eddie Brock appeared briefly in the post-credits scene of the Marvel-Sony film and was wearing the exact same outfit. This suggests that Venom 3 will reboot shortly after this scene.

This isn’t the first connection to the Spider-Man trilogy. In fact, already in “Fury of Carnage” Eddie Brock is catapulted into journey to the multiverse and ends up in Mexico, in a hotel room, where a clip from Tom Holland’s “Spider-Man” is playing on TV. Shortly after this, in the episode “No Way Home”, Eddie Brock is in a bar talking about various Marvel superheroes such as the Hulk and Iron Man. After a few seconds he disappears, returning to his timeline after a (finally successful) spell Doctor Strangebut not before leaving Venom’s mark on this universe.

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