Beltrán Soap | How to Use Beltrán Soap to Keep Your Floors Shiny

How to use Beltrán soap to keep your floors shinyblinds

task clean they are always one A difficult and tedious task Of course, we don’t want to do too much. But in these times, it is crucial to keep your home clean and most importantly disinfected.One of the most troublesome tasks for us is how to scrub floor. Getting them to shine is difficult, and getting the shine we want can be complicated, but not impossible.


Here we tell you how to do it.with a mixture that will give you floorand more (if they come from) marblethey are like new and a lifetime product:Beltran type soap. The most important thing when using a product like this is to find the perfect ratio so that when you dilute it with water, it doesn’t become too thick or become useless by not adding enough.The exact measurement is one liter per tablespoon of waterBeltran Soap.

Once the mixture is ready, stir until completely dissolved, then add Spray into the water you want to scrub. Vacuum your floors thoroughly and scrub all rooms in the house with this amazing product and you will see the results. Instantly cleans and maintains shine.

We recommend that you use this tip at least once every three days so that your floors are always clean.

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