Police are investigating a fight outside a nightclub in Alcalá de Henares

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Madrid’s high police headquarters has confirmed to Euronews that national police An investigation is underway into the image which has been circulating since Thursday Social network: In it you can see struggle in a Plaza de Alcalá de Henares Several young people were punching and kicking each other, and one of them was punched and knocked to the ground.

The ringworm occurred just after 5:30 a.m., and agents are currently analyzing its source and circumstances. Thursday With closure Hanoi nightclublocated nearby Plaza Cervantes and from headquarters City Hall.

In the video you will see a a group of children A scuffle began, when young man wearing black He had a white sweatshirt hanging around his neck, ran over and gave a Forehand Another person of the same height, also wearing dark clothing plummet Ground.

Then the person recording the video and those around him started saying: “He killed him, he killed him, he knocked him unconscious.” Next, other boys are seen taking part Injuried and separate the participants in the battle.More blows are not seen until the end of the image, which do not arrive minutes long.

Although the situation of the injured young man does not exist gravitymust be processed in the same way Prince of Asturias Hospital by a severe bruising. For its part, local police in Alcalá are already investigating what happened, although the national police will be responsible for opening proceedings and arresting the perpetrators of the attack.

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