Emecistas from Jalisco invite Marcelo Ebrard to join the Orange Movement – ​​El Financiero

Departing from Jalisco Plans to invite former Prime Minister Marcelo Ebrard support the party citizen movement in the next presidential election.

As his second government report is due to be released, Guadalajara Mayor Pablo Lemus Announced that Ebrard could be invited to dye himself orange.

The first mayor of Guadalajara pointed out that first of all Exhaust all possibilities for radical candidates to run for office Or in relation to the political establishment, “We must give priority to the internal candidate of the Civic Movement for President of the Republic, as a first step, that is, the priority must be: to have an internal candidate, How could the Governor be like this? “Samuel Garcia…”

Rhimes added that he was trying to convince the governor in a direct way Enrique Alfaro Ramirez Since he stopped praising himself and announced his retirement from politics at the end of his term, he is running again, “he told me in the clip, and publicly approved of this, that he does not have this tendency;” Today we must all support Serbia Muir’s position in the civil movement. If this possibility does not exist, we will certainly have to talk to Marcelo Ebrard, seeking him to join the ranks of Ciudadano Movement; “I think he would be a great signing for Ciudadano Movement, but first of all Prioritize internal candidates like Samuel Garcia.”

most recognized

President of the City of Guadalajara He served as mayor of Zapopan for six years, and his public bonds will allow him to be re-elected in the Jalisco state capital. Seeking to run as a candidate for state governmentjust like senator Clement Castaneda, Minister of Social Assistance, Alberto EsqueMayor of Trahomulco, Salvador Zamoraand Senator Veronica Delgadillo.

Among the aforementioned orange chips, Lemus stands out as the most recognized candidate and the one with the most supporters, including people outside the party, “We have to come up with a team project, a uniting project, that makes “We can fit in the bag” In order to provide each applicant with greater competitiveness and conditions for success, each of us has a different image and different expertise. As far as I’m concerned, it’s always been the executive profile that sets me apart, and there are other figures who have that profile because of their partisan work and their legislative work. “

Pablo Lemus commented that local and national agreements must be reached in solidarity with the national leadership led by Dante Delgado.

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