Faculty of Science studies where bird flu spread to Uruguay

A report from the Microbial Genetics Group (Evolutionary Genetics Group) in the Faculty of Science examines how avian influenza arrived in Uruguay. It was conducted in collaboration with the Virology Laboratory of the MGAP Laboratory Directorate and the Wildlife Division of the Ministry of Environment. The report was published in the International Journal of Virology.

The results showed that the Uruguayan strain is a highly pathogenic H5N1 variant and is highly similar to strains prevalent in South America, especially Chile and Argentina. “It is possible that entry into Uruguay was via wild birds migrating along the Pacific coast and spreading the virus to other birds migrating in the area,” the report states. “This is the first time this type of strain has entered Uruguay and several South American countries.” , posing significant risks to ecosystems and the poultry industry. “It is important to note that we must consider climate change, including the drought experienced in parts of our country, which is changing the distribution of waterfowl, affecting their well-being and increasing their susceptibility to different diseases.”

Research by this multidisciplinary team continues to sequence the genomes of new cases in birds and mammals (coats and sea lions) in Uruguay.

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