At Médecins Sans Frontières, we respond to the needs of migrants in Paso Canoas, Costa Rica

From Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) we see thousands of people – many of them children and the elderly – exhausted, with swollen feet, dehydration and bruises, queuing up for rides across the country every day bus until reaching the destination. It borders Nicaragua to the north. There are up to 40 bus departures per day. According to official data, arrivals in August more than doubled from June, from 900 to 2,600.

Those without money to buy bus tickets will be stranded for days.More than 500 people a night, waiting in the uninterrupted sunshine during the day and sleeping inside at night On the street, in heavy rain, or in a makeshift tent inside a makeshift fence. Their living conditions are overcrowded, garbage accumulates, water points are scarce and toilets are inoperable, posing a threat to their health.

Our team primarily looks for swelling of the lower limbs, viral infections, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems, dehydration, colds and bronchitis; headaches and general malaise. Many consultations have a mental health component. Listen with empathy and feel welcome – as much as possible – is part of the care these people need.

MSF responds to the medical needs of migrants in Paso Canoas, Costa Rica
Dozens of people waited under the uninterrupted sunshine during the day and slept on the streets or in makeshift tents in the rain at night. © Doctors Without Borders

To date, MSF has donated medicines to cover the cost of one month of care to the medical aid points closest to these groups, prioritizing those aimed at treating the most common illnesses.

“In this context, it is extremely important to guarantee basic services to preserve the dignity of migrants”said Louis Ponte, team coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières. “We are working with the authorities and other actors to improve waste collection and reduce risks to the physical and mental health of migrant populations. “We are also sharing our experiences to improve humanitarian coordination between organizations and agencies, due to the daily gathering in Pasoka Noas’s numbers continued to increase without delay. ” Ponte finished.

As of February 2023, Médecins Sans Frontières has established an emergency response center in Latin America to respond to the most pressing humanitarian crises in the region and to strengthen medical care for those most affected by these situations.

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