Frank and Drake were never together, but they were together. Gothic visual novel

As a source of possibilities, videludo is ready to offer original and intriguing titles for the upcoming season, the season of the first cold and fog. Developed by the Appnormals team and available on all consoles and Steam, Frank and Drake is a visual novel set in Oriole City. The entire plot revolves around the events of two roommates, who give the video game its name. The peculiarity, however, is that these two do not meet: habits, lifestyle and work commitments do not allow them to cross paths even for a few moments during the day. However, they are connected by a thread that is as invisible as it is powerful.

Since this is a visual novel, we won’t delve too deeply into Frank and Drake’s narrative development. The first is the caretaker of an apartment building, a man who drags out his existence day after day, without being able to raise his head to smile at life; Drake hates the light and has just arrived at Frank’s apartment, where he clearly does not receive a warm welcome. These two, as mentioned, live completely different lives, but through sticky notes scattered around the house, they will communicate with each other, revealing a plot of events that will shake up their dull existence.

On a graphical level, Frank and Drake is a high-level indie product. Each screen is designed with attention to detail and flair, especially in conveying the emotions of the two main characters. Unfortunately, there are some shortcomings on the gameplay side, such as the difficulty of interacting in point and click moments with elements on the screen, not so much. instant. However, the mini-games and puzzles that enrich it all are quite good.

Those who played it may remember very well the atmosphere of Life is Strange, a game that in its own way set a precedent for its storytelling power. Frank and Drake certainly isn’t an experience of that caliber, but it still has the merit of artistic talent that isn’t always matched by video game mechanics up to par.

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