Georgina, Ronaldo’s girlfriend, the “protagonist” of the soap opera

Wilma Degorge is an experienced journalist with 30 years of professional experience. Among other things, he specializes in television content, mainly gaming, and more specifically Turkish and Latin American series. We started interviewing Mexican, Colombian, Argentine, Chilean and other actors and actresses in 2000, and until 2020 you will travel to different countries in Latin America and the USA (Miami, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru) . Collect recordings of series/telenovelas that were later broadcast in Spain and interview the actors included in them.

Since Turkish telenovelas appeared, he specialized in this production, interviewed the actors who work in them, and was familiar, like any writer, with the dramas and actors of this country.

She was born in Barcelona and graduated in periodism from the Autonomous University of Kondal in 1993, after two Erasmus studies: one in France (Grenoble) and the other in the UK (Cardiff). He began his career in his hometown, working for Europa Press Catalunya, but in the same year he moved to Madrid, and since 1995 he has been working in the Spanish capital. She has worked for agencies (Europa Press, Euroimagen), television (Antena3, Telecinco, RTVE and Telemadrid), magazines (Teleindiscreta, Telenovela, collaboration in Lecturas and Semana) and was coordinator of the consumer portal of the Community of Madrid. This many years of experience, and thanks to the three languages ​​she speaks (French, English and German, also due to her Catalan birth), have allowed her to travel all over the world, meet people in public life and write reports on everything related to in any case. the artistic and social world.

Since 2000, it has been included among other companies in the Telenovela magazine (which is now part of Diez Minutos) and has since specialized in the consumer portal of the Community of Madrid (2006–2016) and in digital format. information through courses and experience on the Internet and Internet information portals. In recent years, he has created two digital periodicals: and, which he owns and manages jointly with other collaborators.

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