Half Soria, half Aragonese streets

You ascend Moncayo; the same, but in a different way, as on Moncayo Street in Soria. Get off at Del Moncayo; the drop is less noticeable, but also in the fall, we see it on this street. At that time, Soria was the highest street if one considers the location of the object rather than the road.Well it doesn’t matter if it’s in the upper or lower part of the city, the latter is where it is, back to the city san pedro area. What does it matter if this is a street with more stairs than parking spaces?we are talking about Moncayo Street.

“This is the first one to be pulled out in the wide semicircle formed by the slopes of Dehesa Serena and the streets of Tirso de Molina in the old Pradillo Rope.” This is how it is positioned in the book All streets of Soria, Miguel Moreno provides more information about the mountains than about the streets in a small text. At this moment we used former local residents who, over time and changing circumstances, have moved to other areas of the city. “Actually They are not so much streets as they are courtyards“A young man in his 40s said that he rolled down three or four stairs more than once as a child. However, this is not what he remembers most deeply, but the scene of children playing football in the courtyard of the apartment building. .

Returning to the book, Moreno offers a complete lesson moncayo peak Imagine that from where you are on the street, you can see Moncayo Mountain and its peaks along the canyon between Santa Ana and Monte de las Animas. He mentioned San Miguel, San Juan, Peña Negrilla, Cabezo de Beratón… Soria’s The chronicler knew all this, he uploaded all of it. Miguel Moreno called the mountain “the Iberian giant, god of myths, sacred mountain, father of lands and legends”.

Moreno talks about the situation in the upper reaches of Moncayo The top of San Miguel Mountain is 2,315.75 meters above sea level. From the top “you can see half of Spain”. Half Soria and Half ZaragozaMoncayo has impressive canyons and landscapes that it shares with Castile and León and Aragon, although it has existed in neighboring communities for many years. natural Park and Castile-León statement It is being processed. As the author of the publication clearly states, Moncayo “is the border between Castile and Aragon: Tarazona, San Martín, Verruela and Vila on the Aragonese side, Trasmos; here on the Aragonese side, Aglaida, Fuentes, Vozmediano, La Cueva, Bellaton, Olvega”.

We did not choose this street randomly, but because the current situation made Moncayo move, both literally and figuratively. For one thing, the region has been hit by nearly a dozen earthquakes in the past three weeks, the largest of which was a magnitude 4.1 earthquake. Prujosa, Beratong and Anion were the epicenters. On the other hand, there is an outbreak of gastroenteritis in Tarazona, which has affected half a thousand people and brought the town of Moncayo across the border, as this is one of the main diseases registered in the European Union. It is unclear whether the source is a section of the Queles River originating in Vozmediano, which is what investigations so far have pointed to.

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