A 50-year-old transgender person participated in a junior girls’ swimming competition

“Melody Wise Heart” Known by the nickname Nicholas J. Cepedaon October 20 Markham Pan Am CenterShe competed against girls ages 13-14 in the fall tournament held in .

Rebel NewsAccording to the News, although the Pan Am Center, where the competition was held, initially denied allegations that the 50-year-old transgender person, who is biologically male, was competing against young girls, documents obtained by the publication revealed the opposite.

According to the competition programme Orangeville otters Cepeda, who competed on behalf of the swimming club, Heat 3 In the race “Melody Wizzheart” It is documented that he competed under his name.

On the other hand, Omar Cepeda is in the program 50 While the other contestants 13 to 14 He looked to be about his age.

First rejection, then acceptance

Rebel News Reporter David MenziesHe said that a notification letter was sent to him by the families of some of the girls participating in the competition, and that he went to the Pan Am Center to investigate the complaint.

Menezes explained that the organizers of the swimming race denied the allegations that Cepeda was competing with the girls, but they eventually retracted and confirmed her participation.

According to the broadcaster, the organizers did not want to enter into a discussion about gender and age.

Intense discussions in the Western world

torontoin York UniversityCepeda, who was determined to be an associate professor of psychology at the University of São Paulo, taught behavioral science courses, he said.

According to the university’s website, Cepeda’s research focuses on children and youth.

The event, which caused a stir around the world, came at a time when there was controversy over transgender men competing against women in women’s sports.

Some in the Western world oppose biologically male individuals competing in women’s sports.

It is known that some US states, especially those governed by Republicans, have passed laws prohibiting such participation.

(tags for translation)transgender person

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