A dead sea lion was found at SAE Port, and they are analyzing whether it was affected by the epidemic

A sea lion was found dead on Saturday at Punta Villarino, a beach in Puerto San Antonio Este (65 kilometers from Las Grutas along Highway 3). There is a colony of a species there.

Once detected, A sample is taken from the animal and sent to a laboratory for analysis. National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) owns in Buenos Aires, for It was ruled out that the deaths were caused by an outbreak of bird flu that has already affected these marine mammals.

actually In the Loberia region, Viedma, protective measures were taken a few days ago because Several of those deaths were confirmed to be caused by the disease.

The wolf was found by a member of the Environmental Defenders group Who controls this post.Once found, immediately intervene Senasa, That He was in charge of taking samples from the corpse (his head was sectioned for analysis) and send it to Buenos Aires.

The result will be known tomorrow. Only with this data will it be possible to know the precise measures to address the situation.

different agreement

this time Decided to wait for sample results before enacting limitsbecause the habitat in Punta Villarino where the dead sea lions were found is not freely open to the public.

the thing is Ongoing control efforts led by the Environmental Protection Team headed by the Provincial Environment Minister.

The area is already protected, so we don’t think further restrictions are necessary. Tomorrow, based on research, guidance will be issued if necessary” A source connected to the control agency said.

at the same time The possibility of suspending the sea lion diving to which a nautical service provider in the port town is entitled was analysed.

as These excursions are not currently live (the operator was originally scheduled to start the experience in September) If they request a precautionary suspension of their work until further notice, it will only be formally reported tomorrow.

at present All recommendations already made public by the Coastal Environment Department remain valid for this area..

That said, report sightings of dead sea lions, avoid approaching them if you see them, and take special precautions with pets, who should stay off the beach as a protective measure. Especially in surveillance areas, as new outbreaks are suspected.

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